Monday, September 30, 2019
Porter’s 5 Forces Essay
Webjet is Australia and New Zealand’s largest online travel agency. Leading the way in online travel tools and technologies, Webjet enables customers to easily search and book the best domestic and international travel flight deals, travel insurance, car hire and hotel accommodation worldwide. Webjet sites are simple to navigate, engaging and informative, giving customers confidence when managing their own travel arrangements. Webjet offers a 24/7 customer support service to cater to our customers’ needs. On 21 August 2013, Webjet announced a profit of $11. 4 million and NBAT of $6. 5 million. During the year the company experienced a growth in total transaction values of $110 million from $768 million to $884 million. About service Webjet. com has created our site around the belief that saving time and money is the key to opening up a world of travel opportunities. Operating as a completely independent flight booking engine, Webjet. com shows the absolute economical fares available, displaying the lowest total travel price. With the use of leading proprietary search technology, Webjet. com sifts through millions of published airfares from over 150 different airlines and 69,000 hotels to choose from. In addition to discounted fares offered through our consolidator network we provide the most affordable travel options available. We are fully committed to providing better access to savings on both international and domestic airfare as well as top deals for hotels, travel packages, cruise, car rentals and more! Unlike most of our competitors, we display the TOTAL price, including taxes and fees, up front to allow customers to compare prices and know what to expect at point of purchase. â€Å"We help U. S. world travelers navigate through the jungle of international airfares to find the best deals,†says Mathias Friess, Webjet. com’s CEO. With that said who wouldn’t want to easily find flights that will save them money? Also, not only does Webjet. com promise convenient and affordable flights but we also promise privacy. Booking online, no matter what site used, requires users to provide personal information. Webjet. com promises to not only protect this information but also to only share it after receiving the travelers’ consent. So why choose Webjet. com? Because our team works to provide affordable fares and put customers’ needs first. Marketing and IT team We’re more than such social media junkies and computer geeks. Our marketing team works to make a connection with our customers and let them know about the exciting updates with our site. We figure out what you want and need so that we can get it to you. From making you smile with our #TravelProblems tumble to providing travel tips with our blog and updating you on deals with our newsletters we enjoy reaching out to each customer. We’re constantly using our creativity to give travelers what they’d want from sweepstakes to our hangout videos that provide tips for traveling abroad. Feel free to connect with us on our Facebook, Twitter and Google+. History Established in 1998, Webjet was founded by former Jetset Travel Chief Executive David Clarke. Management WEB’s senior management has a mix of backgrounds, with a core group of directors and managers having been with the company for several years. In the early 2000’s this group pursued the development of an integrated booking platform to streamline its website activities Since then they have expanded Webjets services into complimentary fields that can be managed via their existing website. Webjet’s ROE over the last several years attests to the success of these decisions and management’s ability to provide good returns on investor capital. Internal ownership is substantial, with over 12% of outstanding shares owned by the directors and senior managers alone. Bonuses are typically 20% or less of total remuneration across the management group. Risks †¢Stiff competition in online accommodation service with the likes of Wotif (WTF) and lastminute. com †¢Competition from existing brand-name competitors like Flight Centre (FLT), who are also developing their online accommodation presence †¢Reliance on indebted Australian and new Zealand consumers for the vast majority of revenue †¢Sensitivity to the AUD, as a lower dollar will discourage Australian’s from holidaying overseas Opportunities †¢One of the few companies in Australia that is currently benefitting from the high AUD, as Aussies head overseas for their holidays to take advantage of increased purchasing power †¢The web-based business model is unencumbered by physical store fronts like its rival Flight Centre, making Webjet suited to the on-line shift for flight and accommodation bookings †¢Good brand name recognition within Australia †¢An easily-scalable business for overseas operations Webjet is a great business with good brand name recognition in Australia and a business model suited for the online future. Their financials look great, with a stable ROE of approximately 20-25% and a robust balance sheet that has no debt. Management have successfully grown the Webjet business by increasing the services it offers and maintaining a low cost structure. Unfortunately Webjet has no durable competitive advantage and is sensitive to movements in the AUD. Further, the online world has low barriers to entry and consumers can be fickle. In addition, Webjet must also compete with established travel groups like Flight Centre and dedicated booking agents like Wotif. As such, Empire Investing considers Webjet a Good Company with no competitive advantage – one we’d like to own, but only at a big discount to compensate.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
The Dangers of Cell Phone Use While Driving
In today’s society, most people communicate using of cell phones. Just 15 to 20 years ago, cell phones were a rarity for the average person. The average income person could not afford a cell phone. Today, cell phones are affordable and the majority of people own them. The days of waiting until you are home to use a telephone or searching for a pay phone if you are out are long gone. In fact, pay phones are being removed, which increases the need for a cell phone. The government will provide a cell phone with limited monthly service for those that are low income and meet certain criteria. The cell phone has also created people to feel the need to be accessible to constant communication. The major problem lies with cell phone use while driving, which presents a constant danger on the road. In many instances, it is a deadly danger. Based on my experience and experiences of those I know, I believe that law should ban all cell phone use. Laws have passed recently restricting the use to a hands free device while driving. I feel this is a good move in the right direction however; a hands free device can be equally as distraction. Some claim the distraction is no different from changing a radio station or taking a sip of your beverage. I do not believe this claim to be true. I cannot count the number of times I have witnessed a driver using their cell phone, not giving their full attention to the traffic. I have witnessed drivers pull out directly in front of on coming vehicles barely avoiding an accident. My adult children are prime examples of this practice. I have been a passenger with them while they take a call or look at a text message. During the conversation or glancing at the text message; they have crossed the centerline, weaved over onto the shoulder of the road, and swerved within their lane. I fear for their safety, others safety, and my own. Many feel the use of a hands free device is safer. In many ways, it is safer but still is a major distraction. A friend of my son was in a deadly accident while using his hands free device. He was riding his motorcycle and having a conversation on his â€Å"Bluetooth†. He was speaking to a friend and told them he was going to pass a trash truck. He was traveling on a single lane roadway. While passing at a high rate of speed he lost control. The friend heard what was happening. The young man was thrown over the front of the motorcycle landing on his head. His neck was broken. He was paralyzed from the head down and was only able to mouth words as his larynx was paralyzed. He was mouthing the words, â€Å"let me go†. After a year, his parents made the agonizing decision to remove him from the ventilator. He died shortly after at the young age of 22. I cannot help but wonder had he not been talking on the phone would he have made a better decision about passing the trash truck. Most people feel these horrors cannot happen to them. Driving any vehicle requires full attention. I believe that using a cell phone can be as impairing as driving while under the influence of alcohol. Many laws have passed in Maryland and nationwide concerning the issue. I feel the laws are necessary and should go a stop further with a full ban. A full ban would save many lives across the state and the nation.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Literature review discussing the advantages and disadvantages of Essay
Literature review discussing the advantages and disadvantages of having children nursed in both mixed A&Es and seperate childrens A&Es - Essay Example Aharonson et al (1996) provided information on patterns of services, arrival and factors influencing queuing in A&E departments and suggested that there are potential benefits for management and applying operations research methods in clinical environments. A&E departments are in considerable demand and proper utilization of these services can lead to improvement in the quality and promptness of clinical services offered. However contrary to Chow’s arguments, several hospital emergency departments may be directly related to primary care in providing rapid access and an emergency care network could be established in primary care as well. Integrating the strengths and weaknesses of emergency care with objective data model could help in describing multiple levels of operation and in highlighting process efficiency and clinical effectiveness. The support systems within NHS Direct have shown how people do things within A&E departments especially and how deliberate and thoughtful care could be provided by improving network operations. Accident and emergency departments and networking can help measure and control effective networking and promote interactions. The recent strategic policy shift towards a primary care-led National Health Service in the UK (Department of Health, 1994) has led to renewed interest in redefining the boundaries between primary and secondary care with the aim of shifting selected services traditionally provided in the acute hospital to less resource-intensive primary and community based alternatives. This systematic literature review looks at the potential for effective service provision for young A & E patients at mixed A & Es in UK. The UK has experienced a rapid increase in general practitioner out of hour’s co-operatives over the last 5 years. More generally, a government review of emergency pre-hospital care in England and Wales recently resulted in a series of pilot schemes to test interventions
Friday, September 27, 2019
Should fast food chains in the US be held legally and socially Research Paper
Should fast food chains in the US be held legally and socially responsible for contributing to consumer obesity because of failu - Research Paper Example The number of fast food chains has also been on the increase since the early 1970s with the number of operational food chain stores having doubled over the years (Schlosser 3). With this, researchers have blamed the increase in the number of fast food chains to blame for the increase in obesity reported cases across the US. However, two sides exist in the debate in which others argue that fast foods also allow people that have lower income rates or the homeless to access affordable food (Bagchi & Preuss 854). As much as critics have suggested that obesity and fast food chains have a direct correlation, it has been difficult to establish empirical evidence supporting or negating this fact hence making the debate to be inconclusive. With this as a basis, this research essay will delve intowhether fast foods are legally or socially responsible to blame for their influence on consumer obesity because they do not disclose the ingredients or calorie levels in the foods that they sell. Furt her, the essay will assess the ways in which this scenario is likely to affect the economy of the US in terms of profit generation and customer oriented services. Linking obesity and fast food establishments In a definition, obesity refers to having a condition in which a person’s body fat is more than 30% of the ideal body weight in relation to their height. Over the years, children with obesity have received a diagnosis of chronic conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and hypertension among a list of many other preventable diseases. In the past, these lifestyle conditions only afflicted adults but the emerging trend has been that children and young adults alike have developed these conditions over time. The costs of treating obesity related conditions have been soaring over the years and critics have shifted focus to the possible cause of obesity rather than preventing the gain of unnecessary body weight of the young population. For one, critics argue that f ast food chains are to blame for the increased rates of obesity because of the many offers that they give to their customers in order to edge out market competition for themselves. For instance, McDonalds and Burger King have in recent times introduced offers on oversized burgers as a way of reciprocating customer loyalty where they dished out large servings of fizzy drinks and French fries at discounted prices. Further, families that have incredible busy work schedules also rely on fast food for ready-cooked meals as they do not have time to prepare home cooked meals for their young ones. Therefore, many families rely on taking out from fast food establishments because of the convenience and the minimal costs attached to acquiring meals from these joints. Subsequently, the consumption of greasy foods on a regular basis without engaging in active physical exercises leads to increase in a person’s BMI hence making them to become obese. In relation to litigation suits, lawyers have sought to establish the link between obesity and fast food joints in the same way that they illustrated that tobacco companies are partly to blame for the increased rates of complications associated with cigarette smoking. The argument that lawyers present is that fast food companies sell greasy foods to unknowing consumers without disclosing the calorie percentage in the foods that they retail. Therefore, fast food compani
Thursday, September 26, 2019
President Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
President - Assignment Example The cuts and spending are provided in the succeeding section. There should be a reduction in international affairs by 15%. Spending on general government, natural resources and environment, energy, veterans’ benefits, and general science should also be reduced by 15%, 15%, 10%, 2.5% and 20% respectively. On the other hand, I propose a 20% increase in spending on military operations. Additionally, transportation, education, health, and administration of justice should each have a 5 percent increase in spending. Lastly, community and regional development should have a 2.5% increase in spending. The budget deficit will be $199 billion hence an improvement in the capacity of the country to meet its budgeting demands. An increase in spending on defense will ensure that the country’s security situation is enhanced. Terrorists especially the al Qaeda group have been targeting the country for a very long time. There will also be an improvement in infrastructure, quality of employee skills, health, distribution of national resources, and administration of justice as a result of the increased spending in the respective areas. On the other hand, the hand will experience strained relationships with developing nations as a result of reduced spending on international
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Critically evaluate the concept of human security Essay
Critically evaluate the concept of human security - Essay Example The first one considers the protection of human rights and the second one focuses on the protection of human beings from economic, environmental, social and other forms of threats and aims at the well being of man’s overall livelihood; an element of social justice is visible in this conception (Williams 2008, p. 231). The third and most controversial conception considers human security in a much wider way ensuring the survival and health of individuals. It observes the concept in a global perspective and subjects such as global economic status, effects of globalization and health of the environment are considered as the essential elements of human security. This paper tries to make a critical evaluation of the concept of human security and in doing so the paper takes into account the various aspects of human security and related issues. The concept of Human Security: Debates and Definitions All the three conceptions of human security paved way for criticisms and most of the re cent debates are shaped by the wider conception of human security. ... concept of human security in a broad way and that is â€Å"the absence of threats to various core human values†whereas Alkire (2002) holds that â€Å"the objective of human security is to safeguard the vital core of all human lives from critical pervasive threats, and to do so without impending long term human flourishing†(Quoted in Williams 2008, p. 231). Alkire’s definition seems to be more positive in nature. However, a more comprehensive definition is offered by the Commission on Human Security and the report of the Commission views human security as ‘protecting fundamental freedoms’- â€Å"protecting people form critical (severe) and pervasive (widespread) threats and situations. It means using process that build on people’s strength and aspirations. It means creating political, social environmental, economic, military and cultural systems that together give people the building blocks of survival†(Williams 2008, p. 231). Even th ough there are various definitions and understandings of the concept of human security, there are many who hold that the state-centered approach to human security should give way for a more comprehensive people-centered approach to security. Tadjbakhsh, in this respect, observes that â€Å"there is consensus among its advocates that there should be a shift of attention from a state-centered to a people-centered approach to security, that concern with the security of state borders should give way to concern with the security of the people who live within those borders†(Tadjbakhsh 2006, p. 5). Therefore, it can be inferred that an individual centered human security model assumes the safety of the individual as the means to global security and any disturbances to the safety of the individual would therefore affect the international
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Can Warfare be Anything Other than Barbaric Essay
Can Warfare be Anything Other than Barbaric - Essay Example Above all, it is important to define ‘barbarism’. This essay uses the following definition given by R.G. Collingwood (1942): By barbarism I mean hostility towards civilisation; the effort, conscious or unconscious, to become less civilised than you are, either in general or in some special way, and, so far as in you lies, to promote a similar change in others.2 Hence the major question is, is warfare really barbaric? Most people will answer ‘yes’. Human lives are slaughtered, and usually in huge numbers. War is a nightmare. However, it is important to deeply analyse this belief, because people’s thoughts about warfare on the whole and about the actions of combatants rely greatly on how human beings are slaughtered and on who these victims are. In that case, maybe, the most appropriate way to depict the barbarism of warfare is basically to argue that there are no restraints at these thoughts: human beings are butchered with every imaginable cruelty, an d people from all walks of life, regardless of sex, age, or moral state, are slaughtered.3 This image of war is vividly portrayed by Karl von Clausewitz in his book On War. It is his pioneering descriptions that have influenced the thoughts of subsequent scholars. There are some unrealistic individuals who think that morality and war are unable to coexist. War is barbaric, they argue, war is inhuman; in its existence it is bizarre, virtually nonsensical, to evoke morality. The truth is, as most people usually overlook, and at times are not aware of, morality is basically a norm of a culture. It is a set of rules which is in uninterrupted movement. However, in an integral and meaningful way morality represents the actions or behaviour of a society’s majority.4 Hence implicit, it is evident that in the contemporary period warfare still has dealings with morality. That there actually such a thing as morality of warfare, and that almost all enlightened and civilised cultures esse ntially share a particular traditional rule regarding the deeds which may or may not be committed in warfare, has been quite evidently witnessed throughout contemporary wars. This moral rule is generally claimed to be rooted in international policies and agreements. However, is it the common moral rule which is deep-seated, and international rule is simply an effort to put that morality into effect. In view of these arguments, a look at the continuous barbarisation of warfare from the 19th to the 20th century, which modern scholars examined, is important. Evolutions in the conduct of warfare have been erratic, and this relates as well, perhaps mostly, to their impacts and to how these are viewed.5 Perspectives on barbarism in warfare is subjected to cultural standards, and the beliefs based on these, like the total number of deaths caused by war, in relation to deaths caused by other actions. Furthermore, the practice of warfare since the Roman period did not evolve in a single dire ction from crude warfare towards more sophisticated techniques or the larger study of limitations on warfare, or a grander warfare. Rather, the transformation of warfare ebbed and flowed intensely. What the world witnessed after the mayhem that swelled in Europe with the fall of the West Roman Empire and the measured rebuilding and modernisation of an expanded civilisation with recognised rules is primarily lethargic but, since the 19th century, continuous development with ‘
Monday, September 23, 2019
Globalisation and financial crises Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Globalisation and financial crises - Essay Example In this regard, recognising that global financial crunch is multifactorial (Bordo, 2008; Wellink, 2009), still, it cannot deny the truism that one of the major factors that led to the global financial crisis is brought by banking failures and difficulties (Blundell-Wignall & Atkinson, 2008; Brown & Davis, 2004). Bank capital is a residual item that is calculated as the difference between assets and those other liabilities, which have more prior claims on banks’ revenues and assets. However, this simplistic definition of bank capital have changed overtime due to regulations and other exogenous factors brought by globalisation, national economies and policies. This continuous evolution on the understanding of bank capital has paved for the concept of bank capital adequacy, which is viewed as having a standing conflict with the notion of bank profitability. In light of this context couple with the gargantuan problem global financial crunch, this research will be looking into the conflict between bank capital adequacy and profitability in relation to the global credit crisis. As such, this research will seek to address the question What is the importance of the conflict between bank capital adequacy and profitability in relation to the global credit crisis? This study is significant because not only it presents current concerns of banking systems across the globe but also it shows the conditions with which banking systems are presently working. Moreover, it endeavours to understand old concepts in the light of the new experience of global financial crisis. Hopefully, this can provide help in the apprehending of the global financial crunch as well as in the charting of policies that may help prevent the same financial crisis from happening in the future. It is the hope of the researcher that the study may add to the existing discourse insights that may clarify the conflict between bank capital adequacy and
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Project management and control - the topic is up to you Term Paper
Project management and control - the topic is up to you - Term Paper Example In all this report is a detailed, comprehensive instruction set of what to plan for and how to plan for it. Introduction This is not a small project. The duration for lodging, the number of field visits and the probable number of partakers are all quite excessive for a usual university industrial visit. Meeting the requirements of organizing and managing the activity are not a job for a team of a few people. From the administration executives to the student organizers everyone has to get involved if we want this event to be successful. In addition to this we have to connect to a lot of professional individuals and organizations, and work in tandem with them to manage the occasion. However if the planned event gets to completion without any major hitches it will certainly go down the history book of this institution and perhaps into some local newspapers as well. Goals and Tasks There is a wealth of objectives from an academic standpoint that can be achieved by the organization of thi s trip. An obvious one is giving the students, and the faculty for that matter, a chance to bring fun and pragmatism into their standard academic curriculums; a chance to link the outside world to the sober and unidirectional outlook of the scholarly learning process. So building students’ interest into their academic curriculums and letting them experience and see and take interest in their potential future roles in society. The club wants to make an effort to make this kind of trip an annual event and push the administration of the university to increase its focus on allowing the students to form a link between industrial practices and their scholarly knowledge. This trip will be a chance to acquaint the students with professional life. These professional lives are important for the students because they are of people from the students’ future professions. Students can only wonder about what would become of them once they graduate until they have seen it as clearly a s the organizers of this trip want them to see. Many students will have a chance to meet with people who were once in the students’ place and who the students might aspire to be like in the future. Not all aspects of professional life the students get to see will be uplifting though some will be but the important thing is that all will be very true and relevant. The participants will be acquainted with standard industrial practices that are common to all industries wherever the students go in the future, like the implementation of Standard Operating Procedures at work sites. The students will also get to see what these SOPs are for companies of their particular fields. Similarly the participants of the trip will gain knowledge about how issues in industrial processes are identified and dealt with, what kind of problems can and do arise and the universal principles and tricks of the trade that are always to be kept in mind. We want to show the academia what the common industri al processes are in the local industry, what operational standards are used around the world and how machinery and services are acquired and maintained and where their academic curricula may be lacking in terms of stressing on industry-relevant topics and complying with the level of technological advancement in the industrial work place. For students of engineering and other technical disciples it will be a chance to examine the machinery they might want to study about in their course curricula and research about like piping and flow
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Business Analysis& Decision Making Essay Example for Free
Business Analysis Decision Making Essay According to Haslam, Neale and Johal (2000), `the total factor productivity us in general defined in two main types; the Level of labour and capital and their efficiency of production; and the productivity of the firm. The productivity of capital and labour is calculated as: total outputs divided by inputs of labour and capital`. Labour cost in a company makes a major part of the production cost and should be therefore most cost efficient. The total employment divided to the total physical output equals the total labour productivity. EXAMPLE If a company produces more the one product or provides service rather the manufactured it can be difficult to recognise the physical output. Therefore, financial proxies such as value added or net output of employment are used. In order to compare the figures fair with each other, financial indexes can be produced. `This is possible by dividing the total number of labour hours into the value added`, (Haslam, Neale and Johal, 2000). The result of this calculation is the value added generated by labour hour. This index can be compare not just with the past years of production of a firm, in addition it is possible to compare with other companies to obtain a broad prospective about labour productivity and how efficient labour is used. Furthermore, over the years inflation changes the purchasing power of money and capital productivity varies. Assts may change value due to depreciation or capital consumption. Therefore, companies analyse the value added per  £ of fixed assets. `Capital productivity is calculated as capital stock (before depreciation or capital consumption) divided into the net output or value added figure`, (Haslam, Neale and Johal, 2000). The relationship between a growing product market and productivity is that; in a growing market the demand of a manufactured good increase. The result is an increase in volumes produced and sold. However, productivity is the output less the cost of production. Therefore, a growing market is not the only factor in order to achieve greater productivity. Like it was briefly pointed out in the paragraph above, labour cost is expensive and therefore should be used efficiently. A boost in productivity may occur whilst improving the productive flow. Due to the introduction of new techniques, working methods such as cell or mass production; and technical inventions such as conveyors labour costs can be cut and productivity increased. Another factor for increasing productivity may be employees’ satisfaction. In addition, in a growing market it comes to fragmentation and segmentation and the market matures. In order to stay competitive many firms lower their prices, which results less revenue generated. Employee satisfaction Labour time most efficient used labour efficiency, product quality, brand recognition and the economy Haslam, Neale and Johal, Economics in a Business context 3rd edition, Thomson Learning 2000, London
Friday, September 20, 2019
Violence And Aggression In The Health Care Social Work Essay
Violence And Aggression In The Health Care Social Work Essay Introduction Management of a violent or aggressive client plays an important role in health care setting. This is very critical in mental health sector and as well as the prevention of violence and aggression is very essential since the main concern of the modern world has been directed towards preventive measures rather curative and therapeutic actions. Researchers have found out that violence and aggression are common among mentally disordered clients than community controls. It is more common among schizophrenic and drug addictive clients than other mentally disordered clients. Furthermore this article reveals that the number of homicidal events for last few decades remains constant in UK although the technology has been improved. (Davison, 2005) Furthermore some articles reveals that hundred percent of nurses who are working at mental health settings have experienced some kind of violent behavior from clients towards them. The more important thing is these behaviors vary from verbal threat to sexual harassments. And also this article reveals that nurses and health care workers who directly work with such clients are getting assaulted more often than doctors who visit them periodically. (Richter Whittington, 2006) These facts prove the important of developing more effective strategies to manage violent and aggressive clients. Since they are not completely independent and since they seek care it is very essential to plan strategies to cope with and to prevent or minimize such incidences while maintaining clients rights and dignity as health care workers. The other important aspect of this discussion is to minimize or prevent injuries or harm to the coworkers while managing such clients in a dignified and well accepted manner. Before look in to the management and the prevention it will be useful to be familiar with technical terms. What is violence? Violence has been defined as an intentional behavior towards any person or a property to damage, Injure, hurt, abuse or kill with a physical force. (Dictionary, 2012) What is aggression? Aggression is a set of behaviors which can cause physical and psychological injury, damage of harm to oneself, others or properties. (Cherry) What causes aggression and violence? It is critical to figure out the reason or the cause, why violence and aggression occurs in health care setting. Despite clients mental health condition or the physiology of the disease the environment and the way staff approach the client is important. Most of the articles reveals that clients with antisocial behaviors, schizophrenia, drug addictives and clients who are having problems with the insight may become aggressive than other traits. But it is important to notice that apart from above conditions the environment which is discomforting to clients and actions of outsiders may play a role towards clients violence and aggression. This may be common among health care settings the onset of aggression due to certain actions taken by staff members which can justify due to lack of systematic techniques and understanding even though it is unethical. Because with the more often aggression and harassment towards staff make their mind to take aggression and violence as a job related thre at or hazard and make them helpless during a such incident. This will make their mind to be more focus on safety rather clients rights and dignity. Prevention of Aggression Violation Identify your client It is essential and critical to know your client very well before you approach your client. This includes the condition of your client, medical, social history violent history. Knowing you clients medical social history may help you to recognize what makes you client aggressive while violent history will reveal lot of important facts about you behaviors. Simply you should know likes dislikes of your client, what makes them aggressive, how they express when they were above to behave aggressively what would they do when they become aggressive. So you can anticipate get prepared if you know above information about your client. Pay your attention to aggravating factors If you know your client, you can figure out what makes them aggressive. May be certain topics, actions, words or behaviors will make them aggressive. You need to avoid them as much as possible when you approach a client. This will help a healthcare worker to prevent such incidents. Take precautions Once you identify your client properly, you should take necessary precautions. Based on above assessment firstly you need to rule out factors which makes them aggressive. Secondly you should pay your attention and find out a way to identify such incidents before it occurs by your clients expressions, specific behaviors, or gestures. Then you should know what they would do when they are aggressive or violent. Based on that information you should take necessary precautions. You may keep your coworkers informed before you approach your client, keep an emergency communication system ready such as a call bell to use in case. Arrange the environment It is very essential to arrange your clients environment. That should be calm, comforting environment with no clutters threats. The surrounding should not posses any sharp objects, ropes, wires, tubes which can be use to harm self or others. Managing Aggression Violation If your client become violent or aggressive; by using following measures you can try to control the situation. Talk on behalf of your client Always show your client that you agree with him or her and always take you clients side though you strongly disagree with him or her. Because, your client becomes aggressive or violent since they are not fully mentally competent at the moment. Realize that this is not the best moment to discuss prove your client is wrong or his or her actions are unacceptable. Talking on behalf of your client will help you to gain your clients trust faith which will be useful to calm down your client. Send victims or opponents out immediately while you are having someone around to assist you. Because seen his or her opponent would make your client more discomforting. Try to calm down you client Once you gain faith of your client you can control you client up an extent. Dont try to over control your client. Calm down you client by giving them suggestions while listening to him or her. Offer him or her a seat to make your client comfortable. Give your client enough time without rushing. Remove aggravating factors from your clients sight If aggression or violation has being occurred due to a person, send him out, the factor may be a picture, word which has being used or any behavior or can be any minor thing. You must avoid them remove them immediately if it is possible to support him to calm down. Keep supportive measures ready all the time All the time the emergency alert system, urgent medicines such as sedatives, supportive staff should keep ready when you deal with such a client. This will help healthcare workers to minimize the damage if an incident occurs. Go with a crowd When you approach a client who is highly possible to become violent or aggressive it is preferable to go with one or more coworkers. In case if client becomes violent supportive staff can help you to restrain at least until medications has being administered. And it is very important that you should keep your eye on your client and should be at your sight whenever you are at your clients room or area. This will provide your safety. By having your client at your sight all the time, you can see what they are doing for what they are getting ready for. Your client may try to harm you since he is mentally incompetent. If you do not pay your attention to your client; it will make it easier for your client to harm you. IM rout is preferable for emergency medicines Always intramuscular route is preferable to administer medications such as sedatives during an violent or aggressive situation. The reason is you dont need much of coordination to administer IM injections as IV. Even though IV act fast administering as IV medication will be difficult with a non cooperative client unless they are restrained or an IV canula has being inserted. Do not Criticize Once an incident occurred do not label your client since that will lead you client to become more aggressive when people treat them differently as well as that will help to recur the same situation. Treat them similarly as for the others do not show them a difference. Conclusion Aggression and violence is common in health care related to mentally incompetent people such as patient with anti social behaviors, schizophrenia, personality disorders drug addictives. Poor techniques, protocols and systems to deal with them put both clients and health care workers at a risk. Furthermore this will cause breaching clients dignity, rights health status while healthcare workers consider them as a job related risk. Proper education and awareness of healthcare workers would improve healthcare workers coping with such incidents proper management of incidents. Knowing you client being prepared is the best way to minimize aggression violence in healthcare.
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