Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Development and how to make a world a better place
Development and how to make a world a better place Define development and how it is measuredDevelopment is the process where something has advanced or progressed into a more advanced stage. International Development has the goal that poverty should be reduced. International Development rebuilds an economy that has been ruined or impacts all sort of important factors needed for a nation's well being. This is not a short-term process instead it tries to solve several problems over several decades or more. International Development is usually measured in two different ways. Most people prefer GNP or known as gross national product because it is easier to understand. HDI is another of these measurements of developments and is viewed as more accurate to experts.GNP is more inaccurate because it only gives the average of how much each person has in the nation. It is only an average and extremes like billionaires can overwhelm the poorest people in the country. It is generally known that half the world lives on 2 US dollars everyday.English : 2010 HDI (Very High) nations graph by pop...Perhaps there might be a rich country in GNP merely by the fact that some people are extremely rich and can easily increase the GNP even though the poverty stricken people outnumber the rich.The human development index contains three indexes that partly measure the countries development. Life Expectancy Index, Education Index and GDP Index. Life Expectancy Index shows an average of the maximum amount of years a person can live in the country. Education Index shows how many people are literate and another complicated factor of GEI. GEI is the Gross Enrolment Index. The Gross Enrolment Index combines primary, second and tertiary gross enrolment ratio. According to the Human Development Report Website that is part of the UNDP explained,' The number of students enrolled in a level of education, regardless of age, as a...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Consider a Career in Immigration Services
Consider a Career in Immigration Services For those interested in a career in U.S. immigration services, consider the three immigration agencies that are within the Department of Homeland Security: U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). These positions include border patrol agents, criminal investigators or agents who enforce immigration policy through apprehension, processing, detention or deportation of illegal aliens, or assisting immigrants through the process of achieving legal status, visas or naturalization. Homeland Security Careers Information Information about careers within the U.S. federal government can be found at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. This office contains further information for federal job seekers including employee pay scales and benefits. U.S. citizenship is a requirement for a majority of these federal jobs. Read the requirements carefully before applying. Customs and Border Protection According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the CBP is a premier law enforcement agency that safeguards America’s borders. Every day, CBP protects the public from dangerous people and materials attempting to cross the border, while enhancing the nation’s global economic competitiveness by enabling legitimate trade and travel at ports of entry. On a typical day, CBP makes more than 900 apprehensions and seizes more than 9,000 pounds of illegal drugs. The CBP offers a comprehensive careers section on its website including job recruiting events. There are approximately 45,000 employees across the U.S. and overseas. There are two major categories in Customs and Border Patrol: frontline law enforcement and mission-critical occupations, such as operational and mission support positions. Current CBP opportunities can be found on USA Jobs. USA Jobs is the official job site of the U.S. Federal Government. Annual salary ranges in CBP in 2016 were: $60,000 - $110,000 for a customs and border patrol officer, $49,000 - $120,000 for a border patrol agent and $85,000 to $145,000 for a management and program analyst. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement According to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, its homeland security mission is carried out by a wide variety of law enforcement, intelligence and mission support professionals all of whom have the opportunity to contribute to the safety and security of the U.S. In addition to the core law enforcement occupations, there are also a wide range of professional and administrative functions that support the ICE mission. ICE offers an extensive careers information and recruitment calendar section on its website. Find out when ICE will be in your area for a recruiting event. ICE classifies its job opportunities into two categories: criminal investigators (special agents) and all other ICE opportunities. Positions in ICE include financial and trade investigations; cyber crimes; project analysis and management; litigating removal cases in immigration court; working with foreign authorities; intelligence gathering; investigations into arms and strategic technology violations; human trafficking; and child exploitation. Other roles include security for federal buildings, perform crowd control and surveillance, and work with other federal state and local authorities or enforcement duties that include the apprehension, processing, detention, and deportation of illegal or criminal aliens. Finally, there are a number of technical, professional, administrative or management occupations directly supporting its law enforcement mission. ICE has up to 20,000 employees working in 400 offices nationwide and over 50 locations internationally. Entry-level criminal investigators are recruited directly through recruiters. Contact special agent recruiters at the nearest Special Agent in Charge (SAC) office to apply for a criminal investigator position, but only when ICE is actively recruiting. Check the career section of ICEs website to find out if the department is recruiting. All other ICE job opportunities can be found on USA Jobs. Annual salary ranges in ICE in 2017 were: $69,000-$142,000 for a special agent, $145,000-$206,000 for senior attorneys, and $80,000-$95,000 for a deportation officer. U.S. Customs and Immigration Services According to U.S. Customs and Immigration Services, the agency oversees legal immigration to the United States. The agency helps people build better lives while helping to defend the integrity of the nation’s immigration system. The USCIS Careers site has information on becoming a USCIS employee, pay and benefits offerings, training and career development opportunities, upcoming recruiting events and some frequently asked questions. There are approximately 19,000 federal and contract employees at 223 offices worldwide. Positions include security specialist, information technology specialist, management and program analyst, applications adjudicator, asylum officer, refugee officer, immigration information officer, immigration officer, intelligence research specialist, adjudications officer and immigration services officer. Current USCIS opportunities can be found on USA Jobs. In addition to the website, USCIS has access to job opening information through an interactive voice response telephone system at (703) 724-1850 or by TDD at (978) 461-8404. Annual salary ranges in USCIS in 2017 were: $80,000 to $100,000 for an immigration officer, $109,000-$122,000 for an IT specialist, and $51,000-$83,000 for an adjudications officer.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Quest of the Golden Fleece Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Quest of the Golden Fleece - Essay Example However, Pelias grew became fearful when the oracle told him that a stranger wearing only one sandal will be able to overthrow him as well. One day, Jason, the son of the king whom Pelias impeached did come along wearing only one sandal, and wanted to get back the throne which was rightfully his. Pelias pretends to conform but thought up of a way to get rid of Jason as well. He ordered Jason to find the Golden fleece. Despite the treacherous journey, Jason complied and after hurdling many challenges, successfully brought the golden fleece back to Greece. During the journey, Medea, King Etes’ daughter fell in love with Jason after she was struck with Cupid’s bow. Medea helps Jason and even arranged a plan to kill Pelias, thus making the oracle’s prophecy come true. Medea bore two of Jason’s sons but unfortunately, Jason fell in love with another woman. This angers Medea so much that she killed her two sons and Jason’s new wife before flying away on a magic chariot. The story of the â€Å"Quest of the Golden Fleece,†just like any Greek myth, is filled with themes of love, vengeance, and justice. In particular, the story puts great emphasis on the great evils that can come out of selfishness and jealousy. The characters in the story experienced so much pain and suffering because certain characters such as Athamas, Pelias, and Media needed to fulfill their own personal wishes. Although the actions that certain characters took went to extremes (such as murder), these scenes are not new to real life. The news is always filled with stories of how people kill each other just to claim their own goals, disregarding the conditions of their fellow humans. On a much more positive note, the story also puts attention to the great sacrifices that one can make for the people that they love. In the story, Nephele begged for Hermes to save the life of her children. Medea opted for
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4
Literature - Essay Example The five natures or characteristics found in literature are subdivided into smaller segments to show the complex variety and types of works which have been produced by writers but the central points remain the same. These include: Knowing and understand these aspects allows an individual to apply the same to any work which is presented as literature and permits the examination of how that particular piece is constructed (Culler, 2000). Considering the longer of the two works, the Tell-Tale Heart is a fine example of gothic short story writing for which Poe is rightly famous. The story places an unnamed narrator with an old man who has a defect in one of his eyes which give it a cloudy appearance. The narrator is very distressed by the eye for some reason to the extent that he wishes to kill the old man. He stands night after night looking upon the old man as he sleeps but doesn’t kill him because the urge to kill settles down while the eye is closed. One night the old man wakes up and upon seeing the cloudy eye the narrator loses control and kills the old man. He chops up the body and buries it under the floor boards (Poe, 1843). When the police come to investigate, he remains calm and shows them around the house to clarify that there was no murder or accident. However, during the visit he starts hearing the heartbeat of the man he buried and becomes very agitated as it grows louder. The police do not hear anything but narrator himself is driven into frenzy and starts tearing out the floorboards to reveal the dead man’s body and his own guilt (Poe, 1843). If we apply the five characteristics, then all seem to fit very well into place with the story in question. First of all, the story and the events described therein are completely fictional although understandably scary and exciting. The language used is very suitable for
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Cloning Essay Example for Free
Cloning Essay This paper seeks to explore the scientific concept of cloning. The focus is on the origin of cloning, its meaning, and human cloning as well as the moral, ethical and legal issues surrounding human cloning. The paper goes further on folk wisdom and pregnancy. Cloning in general refers to developing an identical copy of something. According to Morrison E. Eileen, John F. Monagle (2008, p. 103), cloning in organism biology refers to the creation of an organism that is an exact genetic copy of another organism. This involves developing exactly similar DNA make up between the two organisms. Cloning may be categorized into recombinant DNA technology cloning, reproductive cloning or therapeutic cloning. The first organism to be clone was a tadpole in the year 1952 through nuclear transfer technology; this was a product of several researches by scientist which were both published and unpublished. DNA cloning has a substantial contribution towards gene therapy, genetic engineering of organisms, and sequencing genomes. Gene therapy can be used to treat certain genetic conditions by introducing virus vectors that carry corrected copies of faulty genes into the cells of a host organism. Genes from different organism can be used to develop pest and disease resistant animals and plants. Through cloning, desired qualities in an organism can be retained. For instance, genetically engineered food crops are targeted at improved tastes and nutritional value and 2001 cloning of baby mouflon in Italy. Several factors have made scientists to believe that human cloning is impossible. There has been inefficiency in animal cloning with approximately 1-2 viable off springs in 100 attempts by researchers (Human Gerome Project, 2008). The few successful cloning are also prone to infections hence premature deaths are common with clones. A part from being considered unethical, scientists are afraid of the impact of cloning on human mental development. However, Australian House of Representatives passed a bill in 2006 legalizing therapeutic cloning and the creation of human embryos. Researchers believe therapeutic cloning could result in cures for diseases like Parkinsons and Alzheimers. Human cloning could also help resolve infertility problems by allowing those unable to pass genes to future generations to do so in a way that is at least analogous to the familial linkage of twins. (Cass R. Sunstein, Craven N. Martha, 1998, p. 71). Human cloning however faces some challenges as some people believe it is unethical to use a human clone to save the life of another. Other critics emphasize that interpersonal relationships and personal histories of people should be allowed to transfer between generations naturally as they believe cloning is interference in this process. Many religious organizations like the Catholic Church oppose all forms of cloning based on the belief that life begins at conception. Critics also say that clones tend to have more compromised immune function and higher rates of infection, tumor growth, and other disorders which has a major health implication. Most troubling is the legal concerns regarding the protection of the identity of the individual and the right to protect ones genetic identity. There is still no consensus on parenthood of a human clone and whether a clone child will have an open future. (Human Gerome Project, 2008) During pregnancy, the mother and the child are all and the same thing hence a lot of caution should be exercised on food and any substance consumed by the mother. Pregnant mothers should particularly refrain from smoking as this affects the mental and motor development of the child. Smoking constricts blood vessels hence limiting nutrients and oxygen supply to the foetus. This can result in mental disability or less brain weight. Their can also be developmental disability as well as poor coordination of motor skills when born.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Religion in Joshua and The Children :: Joshua and The Children Essays
Religion in Joshua and The Children  Herm’s question, â€Å"Josh, what do you think of Religion?†becomes the beginning of a period of both joy and conflict for Joshua as he is then often encountered with many related questions and, later, contradiction from the Church. These questions all lead to similar answers, in which Joshua expands on his ideas. And because of this further discussion, it’s important to read all of his responses throughout the book in order to understand his reply and to intelligently decide to agree or disagree. Therefore, my reaction to Joshua’s reply is based on everything he said concerning religion.  The question arises from a discussion between Pat, Herm, and Joshua concerning his lifestyle. They are walking home from breakfast at the diner and the other two are interested in why Joshua doesn’t mind living alone. â€Å"Don’t you get lonesome living by yourself?†Herm asks (72). But Joshua explains to them that he values the serenity of living alone. He tells them that he can peacefully enjoy the beauty of nature outside and the animals also keep him company at times. But the main reason why Joshua never feels alone is that God is always with him, loving him always, and will never abandon him: â€Å"No. I like being by myself†¦ God is with us all the time†(72). Pat and Herm agree but still can not imagine living alone without any feeling of loneliness and this discussion of God leads to Herm’s question.  Joshua’s response is similar to a sermon or speech, and is over a page in length; he is firm in these beliefs and reiterates them several times throughout the book. He is very prepared for the question; before saying a word he asks, â€Å"the way it [religion] is or the way God intended it to be?†(73). And when he is sure of the latter, releases everything inside him, as if he was just waiting to explain what people had been doing wrong. His main point is that Jesus wanted to free those under the pressure of rules in their religions and offered a comforting God who loved them, asking only for honor and worship in return. Joshua is also disappointed in the way the clergy preside over their congregations: â€Å"Jesus did not envision bosses†¦ He wanted his apostles to guide and serve, not to dictate and legislate†(74).
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Lack of Connection between Educational Research and Practice Essay
Educational research is conducted on the premise that an expansion of knowledge in the area of classroom teaching should automatically lead to improvements in the classroom, not only with respect to teaching styles but also the academic progress of students. All the same, this enhancement of knowledge is not always welcomed by teachers (Kennedy, The Connection). According to Mary M. Kennedy, the author of â€Å"The Connection between Research and Practice,†teachers may fail to apply new knowledge based on research for the following reasons: (1) The research is not authoritative or convincing enough to move teachers to alter their practices; (2) The teachers find it difficult to directly apply the new knowledge because they consider it irrelevant to their particular concerns or questions on the subject of teaching; (3) The research findings may not have been communicated in an understandable way; and (4) It is impossible for the educational system to accept the changes entailed by new research-based knowledge (Kennedy, The Connection). G. Reid Lyon, the Chief of the Child Development and Behavior Branch of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, expresses dismay at the lack of connection between educational research and practice: Scientific research can inform beginning reading instruction. We know from research that reading is a language-based activity. Reading does not develop naturally, and for many children, specific decoding, word recognition, and reading comprehension skills must be taught directly and systematically. We have also learned that preschool children benefit significantly from being read to. The evidence suggests strongly that educators can foster reading development by providing kindergarten children with instruction that develops print concepts, familiarity with the purposes of reading and writing, age-appropriate vocabulary and language comprehension skills, and familiarity with the language structure. †¦One hopes that scientific research informs beginning reading instruction, but it is not always so. Unfortunately, many teachers and administrators who could benefit from research to guide reading instructional practices do not yet trust the idea that research can inform their teaching (Lyon). The lack of connection between educational research and practice astounds many researchers. Even so, this lack of connection is sometimes approved by researchers. In the case of reading, for example, there are researchers who perceive that theories are â€Å"neither practical nor profitable†given that reading is â€Å"a complex phenomenon (Calfee and Drum 183). †These researchers even assume that â€Å"theoretical analysis is unnecessary, if not impossible†in this area (Calfee and Drum 183). Thus, there appears confusion with regards to applying educational research in the classroom. Seeing that the educational researchers do not always agree amongst themselves, it is unsurprising that teachers find it hard to understand new research-based knowledge before they can apply it. Teachers may not only disagree with educational researchers, but they also disagree with education reformers that base their ideals on current educational research after sifting through the disagreements among researchers (Kennedy, Reform Ideals). Research suggests that the teaching practice is strongly influenced by the values of the teachers themselves (Aguirre and Speer; Brickhouse). In other words, teachers may simply disagree with educational research that blatantly conflicts with their beliefs about their practice. According to Argyris and Schon, such is the difference between â€Å"espoused theories†and â€Å"theories in use. †Despite the advice of researchers as well as reformers, teachers may simply find it impossible to apply educational research in the classroom when their own beliefs conflict with the ideals of others. Kennedy has experienced the conflict between teacher practice and expectations while teaching in a different culture. Working in Thailand, without immediately appreciating the practice of teaching expected in the new culture, she was rather confused about the method of teaching that she was expected to adopt. She believed that she was right in her teaching style; however, the expectations of the Thai school administrators and students differed. â€Å"It took me a long time to adjust my practice to accommodate their expectations,†she wrote later (Kennedy, Learning to Teach). Of course, if she had failed to adjust, she would have found it difficult to succeed in the new culture as a teacher. Educational research is meant to influence teacher practice (Kennedy, Means and Ends). Nevertheless, resistance to change is a reality that must be confronted by all organizations, whether they are academic in nature or purely for profit. Teachers may believe that a certain educational finding is irrelevant to their concerns or questions about teaching. Still, the real reason why teachers do not always apply current educational research in the classroom is that they believe that their own practices are correct at any given time. In spite of Kennedy’s focus on the connection between educational research and practice, it took her a â€Å"long time to adjust†to a new culture of schooling. Given that educational research is growing by leaps and bounds nowadays, it is but natural for other teachers also to take a long time to adjust to new knowledge in the classroom. Change may sometimes be imposed upon the teachers, as in the case of new technologies that must be adopted in our times in a large number of schools around the globe (Bell, Codde and Bell). When change is not imposed upon the teachers, it is difficult for them to decide on the kinds of changes to adopt and disregard. According to a website on education: Educational research is potentially a great resource for supporting learner-centered practices, but there is a disjuncture between the worlds of the educational researcher and the practitioner (whether faculty member, instructional technologist, or learning designer). A few ears ago at the International Conference on Learning Sciences held in Ann Arbor, keynote speaker Linda Roberts commented on a 500+ page proceeding, saying â€Å"This is fabulous, relevant, and meaningful work†¦ the only problem is: no one who needs it is going to read it. †That is, there is not much of a bridge between research and practice (â€Å"Bridging Teaching and Learning Research and Practice†). Educational research has consistently focused on student-centered practices. Nonetheless, the constantly growing amount of research is expected to bewilder teachers about the appropriate teaching styles to adopt at any given time. The adoption of new technologies was considered necessary change. In cases where change is not considered urgent, however, there is bound to remain a wide gap between educational research and teacher practice. As mentioned previously, even educational researchers disagree about the kinds of changes that must be considered relevant or irrelevant. Hence, teachers are left with no choice but to take â€Å"a long time to adjust. †Teachers may additionally choose not to adjust to new knowledge. This is because the teacher’s values are imperative in the classroom. His or her belief system may not concede to a certain change in teaching style. Besides, change is often very difficult to adjust to. Hence, the lack of connection between educational research and practice is unavoidable in reality.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
British Airways And Iberia Airlines Merger Accounting Essay
There used to be a clip when British air passages ( BA ) could asseverate to be â€Å" the universe ‘s favorite air hose †, as its streamers conceitedly confirmed. However, taking the present economic scenario BA is undergoing a figure of jobs in the industry. British air passages are still fighting with the bequest of province ownership even after it has been privatised for last twenty old ages. Even recession has hard-hit the air hose industry and to get the better of the losingss that British air hoses had faced during recession ; it had decided to cut down on its cost by cut downing cabin crew and by detering an addition in the wage. However this acted as a accelerator in the industrial differences and the consequence of which is still really much felt in the day-to-day concern of BA ; there have been a figure of dead ends and work stoppages within the air hoses which have left riders to make up one's mind on for other air hoses. ( ECONOMIST, 2009 ) Due to economic crisis concern coming from North American paths was hard-hit due to a autumn in the business-class travel. However, this could be recovered with the recovery of American economic system every bit good as resuscitating the long-haul travel which makes a major portion of BA net incomes. One of BA ‘s major jobs is â€Å" Pension Deficit †. BA has besides been confronting tough competition from low-cost air hoses that have been supplying clients with cheaper menus on short-haul travel. So, the lone remedy to get the better of such losingss is seen in making or teaming up with a low cost spouse. ( ECONOMIST, 2009 ) Iberian air hoses have been enduring from lower air cost travel demand every bit good. It has reported a thrashing of 16.4 million euro in the 3rd one-fourth compared to gross of 30.4 million euro earned in the earlier one-fourth. The standard menus of this air hose have declined by 14 % and even the burden factor i.e. how filled the air-crafts are, declined to e very bit much as 1.1 % points to 82.1 % . To get by up with the recognition crunch it has decided to stop dead the rewards for 2010 and 2011 therefore heightening one-year nest eggs up to 37 million euro by 2011. It besides plans to make new air hose to provide to the demands of the traffic of Madrid Hub.( MENAFN, 2009 ) British air passages decided to fall in custodies with Iberian air hoses as a consequence of recognition crunch. By coming together they would come in the conference of large European air hoses. The amalgamation with the Spain based air hoses was looked upon as an appealing blend a twelvemonth ago. However, taking the present province of personal businesss it seems to be worth a joint deliverance procedure. This is so because both of their air hoses economic systems are still under the influence of fiscal crisis ; fighting with costs higher than the income. Iberia is still non moved by Mr. Willie Walsh ‘s, main executive of BA, dissensions with the brotherhood . It still holds optimistic position towards BA ‘s major job of â€Å" Pension Deficit †. However if we consider the articles or the memoranda of the amalgamation which was signed in November '09 between the two companies, Iberia has the right to name of the contract if BA is unable to run into up to the demands of the legal guardians refering the two pension financess. As recalculated on December 14th '09 by the legal guardians, the deficit of the two financess was declared to be at & A ; lb ; 3.7 billion, based on March 31st '09 rating. Presently BA is seting in hard currency worth & A ; lb ; 131m a twelvemonth. The Pension Regulator is assisting to reason whether the rating performed by the legal guardians is satisfactory or non and what farther actions are required to get the better of the recognition crunch. In this context, Iberian air hoses say that it can make up one's mind to name of the trade if BA lands up paying more hard currency.( ECONOMIST, 2009 ) Airlines amalgamations and acquisitions are based upon schemes which involves several conditions. Airlines M & A ; A is good for both travelers and air hose employees. The issues which are considered while air power M & A ; A are â€Å" clip, blessings, efficiency, competition, rider benefits, and struggles. †Amalgamations and acquisition in air hose industry is an emerging development across the universe. But such M & A ; A are highly planned and several of import factors are considered. Such of import factors are: The BA and Iberia treaty will make a bearer of $ 25 billion, for case. This trade makes a batch of sense and will cement the taking places of the large three European web participants. The amalgamation seems to take topographic point when the air hose sector is severely hit by the lessening in figure of riders and lading traffic. Apart of that the amalgamation became the demand of the hr, British air passages reported a 20 % diminution in grosss to 4.1 billion lbs ensuing in an operating loss of 111 million lbs in the six month period stoping at September 2009. Harmonizing to analyst Tony Shepard at the British securities firm house Charles Stanley, the company is likely to describe a 400 million lb loss for its full financial twelvemonth stoping in April 2010. British air pas sages of import North American paths and concern have been difficult hit by the prostration in business-class travel. This could resile back rapidly with economic recovery in America and, provided that cost additions from environmental steps are non excessively burdensome ; the long-haul travel on which BA ‘s profitableness depends should resuscitate in clip. But, like all former national bearers in Europe, it is confronting lay waste toing competition on its short-haul flights from low-priced air hoses. .On the other manus the amalgamation is decidedly in demand by Iberia besides as the air hoses faces adversities because air hose sector in Spain is confronting â€Å" exceptionally hard †conditions amid the economic crisis and competition from high-velocity rail. Iberian air hoses fiscal place is rather weak as the company had plunged into the ruddy in the 2nd one-fourth of 2009, entering a immense net loss of 72.8 million Euros. Afterwards the company declared its 3r d one-fourth consequences where it reported a loss of 16.4 million Euros ( 24.4 milliondollars ) ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www.bangkokpost.com/business/aviation/159895/british-airways-iberia-agree-to-merge ) Due to such utmost losingss and no marks of recovery in the market, the amalgamation was seen as a best strategic move by Iberia. The planned amalgamation with Iberia, the Spanish air hose, looked as if it would be a victorious combination a twelvemonth ago when it was foremost mooted. Today it seems more like a common deliverance operation. Both air hoses ‘ national economic systems are still in the stagnation ; both houses are fighting with costs greater than their grosss. It is besides moderately sanguine about BA ‘s other large job: its tremendous pension shortage. But harmonizing to the amalgamation memoranda signed in November, Iberia can name off the nuptials if BA can non make a satisfactory understanding with the legal guardians of its two pension fin ancess. As on 9th November 2009 there was an official proclamation that both of them ( British air passages and Iberian air hoses ) reached an initial understanding for a amalgamation which is planned to be completed by late 2010.As per the market this amalgamation, which will necessitate the European Commission ‘s seal of blessing, will take to the creative activity of the universe ‘s 3rd biggest air hose. The trade would see the new company being split with Iberia being allocated a 45 % interest and BA the staying 55 % . The new concern would hold 419 aircraft and over 200 finishs. In their last fiscal old ages, their joint grosss are about ˆ15 billion. The air hoses believe there is a compelling strategic principle for the dealing, which is expected to bring forth one-year synergisms of about ˆ400 million, and profit both companies ‘ stockholders, clients and employees. ( hypertext transfer protocol: //news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/8356780.stm ) The new group will unite the two companies ‘ taking places in the UK and Spain and heighten their strong presence in the international long draw markets, while retaining the single trade names and current operations of each air hose. In July 2008 there was intelligence of brace being in negotiations for an all-share amalgamation. But, because of issues such as the balance of control and the size of BA ‘s pension-fund shortage the treatments were put at a halt. As per the current market scenario rider traffic appears to hold stabilized, and air hoses have been able to convert their work forces that the industry is in crisis, forcing through some labour grants and cut downing capacity. BA is doing â€Å" echt advancement †in take downing costs, says analyst Nick Cunningham of Evolution Securities. As per the British air passages ongoing activities it seems the state of affairs of the company has started bettering after proclamation of the amalgamation, the company h as recapitalized ; following a exchangeable bond offering over the summer last twelvemonth and now has a hard currency balance of 1.5 billion lbs. In add-on the company has seen an addition in long draw flights which is one of the major countries where air hose companies make most of the net income. ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www.smartmoney.com/investing/stocks/market-update-friday-nov-13-2009-20162/ ) Rivals in the market have a really assorted reaction towards the amalgamation of both the air hose. Virgin Atlantic which as per the market position faces the biggest competition from this amalgamation its functionary said in a statement that the amalgamation will â€Å" increase BA ‘s laterality at Heathrow with 44 % of takeoff and set downing slots this winter, †and added its â€Å" impossible for any other air hose to retroflex their graduated table. †Other air hose companies have the position that the trade could really assist them win concern. Michael O'Leary, CEO of price reduction Irish bearer Ryanair, told CNBC that the trade was like â€Å" two rummies keeping each other up on the manner place. All you get when you put two high-fare, loss-making air hoses together is even higher menus and even bigger losingss. Mr. Leary operates a regional bearer and does n't vie on long-haul flights against bearers like BA. Though these statement can be said as guess in one sense as the true consequence of this amalgamation is still to be seen. But as per in a public proclamation by BA main executive Willie Walsh â€Å" The amalgamation will make a strong European air hose good able to vie in the twenty-first century †. The trade would make Europe ‘s 2nd biggest air hose by stock market capitalization, and 3rd biggest by income, with around 60 million riders per twelvemonth, As per market experts. The Times quoted assorted intelligence on different day of the months sing occupation cuts which were probably at bing caput offices in London and Madrid, in care installations and the incorporate gross revenues forces.In reappraisal of intelligence Mr. Walsh will be main executive, and Iberia air hoses president Mr. Antonio Vazquez will be president of the new company to be based in London and listed on the London Stock Exchange. MR.Vazquez hailed the understanding, stating they were â€Å" puting the foundations of what will be one of the most of import air hoses in the universe, a existent planetary air hose. †( hypertext transfer protocol: //www.smartmoney.com/investing/stocks/market-update-friday-nov-13-2009-20162/ ) It is said that if the amalgamation consequences fruitful and the economic system begins its recovery in 2010 or possibly 2011 so it will be a major encouragement to both of them. One thing can be predicted that If the trade gets successfully executed the clients are traveling to hold a broad assortment of finishs as BA clients would derive entree to up to 59 new finishs, of which 13 will be in Latin America, while Iberia ‘s clients would derive up to 98 new finishs across the BA web. In add-on to it the effects of amalgamation will ensue in combined stock market capitalization of some 4.9 billion Euros ( 4.3 billion lbs, 7.2 billion dollars ) . Different Approaches To Covering With The ProblemHarmonizing to the current state of affairs at that place appears to be merely one job which is doing the trade hard to put to death. British Airways the UK flag-carrier pension shortage was revealed and it was found that the shortage was more than double amounting to 3.7 billion lbs at the terminal of March, which was higher than analysts expected but it is non a bug adequate to be a ground for stoping up of the amalgamation with Spanish air hose Iberia. As told to Reuters by a beginning in Iberia air hoses â€Å" We ‘re non surprised by this figure. It falls within the expected scope, †As it is already implied before, BA ‘s pension shortage is the important country in the dialogue of amalgamation and Iberia has the right to draw of the amalgamation if the payment of this shortage turns to be excessively large. Furthermore, there are opportunities that the shortage figure could originate till the clip the rating procedure is completed in following twelvemonth in June because as per Britain ‘s Pensions Regulator the premise which is used to cipher the shortage are excessively optimistic. I n position of this BA said in a statement â€Å" The regulator ‘s probationary position is that the proficient commissariats may be materially below a degree it feels appropriate, †As per the job the British air passages direction is seeking to calculate out different ways to work out the job. As per in one of the proclamations BA said that the company and the pension legal guardians will work together to develop a recovery program, a procedure through which the company will confer with its employees and their trade brotherhoods and will seek to take out a determination from it by the terminal of June 30, 2010. The scheme which is employed now is to alter the nature of any pension ‘s trade BA can strike with its staff and ciphering the proportion of spread which can be covered by the company. As said by Deutsche Bank â€Å" The Company may be forced to renegociate pension benefits with employees if it is to avoid utilizing more stockholders hard currency, †Academic Studies Supporting The ArticleThe world that merely 20 per cent of the acquisitions really win and the remainder erodes stockholder wealth ( Grubb and Lamb, 2000 ) can extremely conflict with illustrations of successful coup d'etats like Swiss by Lufthansa in 2005.Talking about amalgamations, they create stockholder value with most of it accruing to the attendant company. One of the of import grounds behind unifying a company is that it helps in increasing stockholder ‘s value much above the sum sum of the two companies.( Watson and Head,2007 ) The optimistic impact of amalgamations extends to and involves economic systems of graduated table or synergisms, helps to derive power in the markets by making monopolies, manages bureau costs and manages hazard for undiversified directors( Gregor Anrade, Mark Mitchell, Erik Stafford, 2001 ) . Amalgamations create synergisms, cut down operational costs and enhance market portion. On the other manus it consequences in the generation of bureau jobs as the directors can do amalgamations for their ain benefit. It besides consequences in decentralization of power that reduces duty and answerability. Merger which can be defined as when two ( or perchance more ) concern combine. In other words one can state that ‘merger ‘ is defined as a state of affairs when two companies/firms decide by common understanding to unite the concerns. The term ‘takeover ‘ holds a different significance in comparing to ‘merger ‘ . It means when a larger concern takes over control of a smaller concern and the smaller concern gets immersed by the larger concern. But in today ‘s epoch it is non cleared that whether the concern has been merged or it has been taken over. Harmonizing to the relationship between the concerns being merged, amalgamations and coup d'etats can be divided into three parts and they are:Horizontal amalgamationoccurs when two concerns in the similar industry, and at the Same point in the production procedure decides to unite.Vertical amalgamationoccurs when two concerns in the similar industry, but at different points in the same production procedure decide to unite.Conglomerate amalgamationoccurs when two concerns in unrelated industries decide to unite.As it can be implied from the academic surveies back uping the article the amalgamation between British air passages and Iberia air hoses is Horizontal type of amalgamation as both the companies are from the air hoses sector taking to same production procedure and they have got high presence at international degree. Application of Data to ModelHarmonizing to research, the last few old ages were n't an acceptable period for the air line industry as a consequence of quickly increasing fuel costs and due to economic downswing. Airline amalgamations and acquisitions have clustered and most of the air hose bosses exclaimed â€Å" consolidation is ineluctable †. The outstanding illustrations of amalgamation and acquisition in the industry are Air France – KLM in 2003, Swiss- Lufthansa in 2005, US Airways-America West in 2005 and Delta- Northwest in 2008. The Europeans lead the manner in set uping mega-carriers. By gross Air France-KLM is the universe leader with $ 34 billion, followed by the Lufthansa Group at $ 30 billion. ( The Mating Game.Airline Business, 02687615, Jan2009, Vol. 25, Issue 1 ) . At the same clip, US Airways and America West amalgamation drained their disbursals by over $ 250 million a twelvemonth and created a company better able to endure $ 100-a-barrel oil. USAirwa ys, the state ‘s fifth-largest bearer  earned $ 427 million on gross of $ 11.7 billion. ( A Cautionary Tale for Airline Mergers, Palmeri, Christopher, Business Week ; 3/17/2008 ) Therefore it can be determined that amalgamations and acquisitions had sustained air hose industry during the economic downswing accomplishing important synergisms and economic systems of graduated table. Although the amalgamations and acquisitions prevented air lines from settlement, inauspicious impacts can besides be emphasized. Even US Airways exists bankruptcy ; the expanded company still face the internal battle of consorting two separate air hoses. The chief obstructions are employee dissatisfaction and client ailments ( A Cautionary Tale for Airline Mergers, Palmeri, Christopher, Business Week ; 3/17/2008 ) However the universe ‘s air hoses are organizing themselves into immense confederations. Does this affair? Yes: the hazard is that the air hose industry is traveling from one extreme and it ‘s clip to worry about the competition. What Has Been LearntHarmonizing to our surveies and research it can be seen the air hose industry has been hit by the economic downswing. They struggled with the cost hikes higher than their incomes. Both the air hoses have been faced by the jobs of industrialisation and globalisation, the competition of other air hoses such as low cost air hoses and inveigh services like Euro Star. Most of the air hoses restructured and merged and gave them a competition every bit good. Pension black hole is one of the chief current jobs happening in the British air passages and some of the analysts say that they need more clip to retrieve from the shortage than their estimated clip of 2016. ( in pattern ) Longer clip is required for the closing of the shortage harmonizing to some analysts. But in the state of affairss of hard currency in Rhine wine the company can see doing non-cash parts such as non-monetary inducements alternatively of hard currency. If the company utilizes its assets for pension financess it might stultify the company with the same forces cut downing its cyberspace worth. The faultless size of the shortage is non known by the BA and at the same clip they have released before denoting the recovery program the size of the shortage efficaciously. However, air hose and legal guardians are now working together to develop a recovery program to negociate with employees and trade brotherhoods. Unless and until BA manages come up with a solution to find the pension shortage the amalgamation will stay unsettled. MentionsA Cautionary Tale for Airline Mergers, Palmeri, Christopher, Business Week ; 3/17/2008, Isuue 4075, p066-066, 1p Airline Amalgamations: Ready for Takeoff? By: Bachman, Justin, BusinessWeek Online, 12/22/2006 Corporate Finance ; Principles and Practice ; 4th Edition, Denzil Watson & A ; Antony Head, Pearson Education ECONOMIST, 2009 Fiscal Management for Decision Makers,5TH Edition, Peter Atrill, Pearson Education hypertext transfer protocol: //finance.mapsofworld.com/merger-acquisition/airline.html hypertext transfer protocol: //news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/8356780.stm hypertext transfer protocol: //grupo.iberia.es/portal/site/grupoiberia/menuitem.84584da99e6d0dada0d4a195d21061ca/ . hypertext transfer protocol: //readingft.blogspot.com/2009/11/ba-and-iberia-blue-sky-marriage.htmlhttp: //www.britishairways.com/travel/about-british-airways/public/en_gb hypertext transfer protocol: //www.bangkokpost.com/business/aviation/159895/british-airways-iberia-agree-to-merge hypertext transfer protocol: //www.smartmoney.com/investing/stocks/market-update-friday-nov-13-2009-20162/ MENAFN, 2009 One universe, few airlines.Economist, 00130613, 09/26/98, Vol. 349, Issue 8087 The Mating Game.Airline Business, 02687615, Jan2009, Vol. 25, Issue 1 V V
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Time Is So Disurbing It Never Lets Me Out
Free Essays on Time Is So Disurbing It Never Lets Me Out Time is so disturbing it never lets me out. How many waves must be cast ashore, Before the sand can settle Before each gentle grain can find it’s place In a world that carries so much treasure How many waves must be cast ashore, Before the sand can settle Before each gentle grain can find it’s place On an unearthed beach , lifeless. For even still the rain would move And yet, even then with no rain, Our eyes would weep with sorrow and pity, On the world’s hourglass of time....
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Geography and Information About France
Geography and Information About France Population: 65,312,249 (July 2011 estimate)Capital: ParisArea of Metropolitan France: 212,935 square miles (551,500 sq km)Coastline: 2,129 miles (3,427 km)Highest Point: Mont Blanc at 15,771 feet (4,807 m)Lowest Point: Rhone River delta at -6.5 feet (-2 m) France, officially called the Republic of France, is a country located in Western Europe. The country also has several overseas territories and islands around the world but the mainland of France is called Metropolitan France. It stretches north to south from the North Sea and the English Channel to the Mediterranean Sea and from the Rhine River to the Atlantic Ocean. France is known for being a world power and it has been an economic and cultural center of Europe for hundreds of years. History of France France has a long history and according to the U.S. Department of State, it was one of the earliest countries to develop an organized nation-state. As a result of the mid-1600s, France was one of the most powerful countries in Europe. By the 18th century, though, France began having financial problems due to the lavish spending of King Louis XIV and his successors. These and social problems eventually led to the French Revolution that lasted from 1789 to 1794. Following the revolution, France shifted its government between absolute rule or constitutional monarchy four times during the Empire of Napoleon, the reigns of King Louis XVII and then Louis-Philippe and finally the Second Empire of Napoleon III. In 1870 France was involved in the Franco-Prussian War which established the countrys Third Republic that lasted until 1940. France was hit hard during World War I and in 1920 it established the Maginot Line of border defenses to protect itself from the rising power of Germany. Despite these defenses, however,​ France was occupied by Germany early during World War II. In 1940 it was divided into two sections - one that was directly controlled by Germany and another that was controlled by France (known as the Vichy Government). By 1942 though all of France was occupied by the Axis Powers. In 1944 the Allied Powers liberated France. Following WWII a new constitution established Frances Fourth Republic and a parliament was set up. On May 13, 1958,​ this government collapsed due to Frances involvement in a war with Algeria. As a result,​ General Charles de Gaulle became the head of government to prevent civil war and the Fifth Republic was established. In 1965 France held an election and de Gaulle was elected as President but in 1969 he resigned after several governmental proposals were rejected. Since de Gaulles resignation, France has had seven different leaders and its recent presidents have developed strong ties to the European Union. The country was also one of the EUs six founding nations. In 2005 France underwent three weeks of civil unrest as its minority groups began a series of violent protests. In 2017 Emmanuel Macron was elected president. Government of France Today France is considered a republic with an executive, legislative and judicial branch of government. Its executive branch is made up of a chief of state (the president) and a head of government (the prime minister). Frances legislative branch consists of a bicameral Parliament made up of the Senate and the National Assembly. The judicial branch of Frances government is its Supreme Court of Appeals, the Constitutional Council and the Council of State. France is divided into 27 regions for local administration. Economics and Land Use in France According to the CIA World Factbook, France has a large economy that is currently transitioning from one with government ownership to a more privatized one. The main industries in France are machinery, chemicals, automobiles, metallurgy, aircraft, electronics, textiles, and food processing. Tourism also represents a large part of its economy as the country gets about 75 million foreign visitors each year. Agriculture is also practiced in some areas of France and the main products of that industry are wheat, cereals, sugar beets, potatoes, wine grapes, beef, dairy products, and fish. Geography and Climate of France Metropolitan France is the part of France that is located in Western Europe to the southeast of the United Kingdom along the Mediterranean Sea, the Bay of Biscay and the English Channel. The country also has several overseas territories which include French Guiana in South America and the islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique in the Caribbean Sea, Mayotte in the Southern Indian Ocean and Reunion in Southern Africa. Metropolitan France has a varied topography that consists of flat plains and/or low rolling hills in the north and west, while the rest of the country is mountainous with the Pyrenees in the south and the Alps in the east. The highest point in France is Mont Blanc at 15,771 feet (4,807 m).The climate of Metropolitan France varies with ones location but most of the country has cool winters and mild summers, while the Mediterranean region has mild winters and hot summers. Paris, the capital and largest city of France, has an average January low temperature of 36 F (2.5 C) and an average July high of 77 F (25 C). Sources Central Intelligence Agency. (10 May 2011). CIA - The World Factbook - France. Retrieved from: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/fr.htmlInfoplease.com. (n.d.). France: History, Geography, Government, and Culture- Infoplease.com. Retrieved from: infoplease.com/country/france.htmlUnited States Department of State. (18 August 2010). France. Retrieved from: state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/3842.htmWikipedia.com. (13 May 2011). France - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/France
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 24
Economics - Essay Example onsuming them till they are in a position of not being able to afford them or need some other external causes to prevent their usage; sometimes people might even go beyond their capacity to get hold of the commodities. In such cases, the government has to impose a very high tax on the particular item for the welfare of the society (George & Wilding, 1984). Thus, the main reason operating behind the imposition of high taxes on addiction items is the price inelasticity of demand (Baumol & Blinder, 2008). One such item of addiction is tobacco that is often considered as being one of the most harmful and hazardous elements of consumption as well and this is the reason why the government of all concerned nations have decided to impose a high tax on the same. When tax is imposed on a commodity, it results to an upward shift in the supply curve of the commodity but the demand curve remains unchanged. This is because, the tax in such cases are imposed in the form of higher prices and thus are sales tax (Aronson, Hilley & Maxwell, 1986). So these taxes are indirect in the sense that they are transferred from the seller to the buyer. In case of a sales tax, the retailers will buy lower quantity of a product from the wholesalers which subsequently lead to a fall in the supply of the commodity – this factor is reflected through an upward shift in the supply curve. For a commodity like tobacco having a very low price elasticity of demand, an upward shift in the supply curve with demand remaining constant, leads to a rise in the position of the equilibrium point and consequently, a fall in the equilibrium quantity and a rise in the equilibrium price. However, the fall in quantity is not in proportion to the rise in the final price (Lipsey & Harbury, 1992). Thus, it is found that the imposition of taxes on items like tobacco, which have a very low price elasticity of demand, is that, they serve a two-fold purpose. Firstly, it leads to a fall in aggregate consumption so as to
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