Saturday, May 23, 2020
QuentinTarantino and Racial Barriers - 1202 Words
Quentin Tarantino’s films are always controversial, and Pulp Fiction is no exception. The film depicts graphic violence and overt drug usage, while shying away from politically correct language. The film’s controversial topics such as racial stereotypes, has led some critics to hail the movie as racist; however, the movie denies many of these stereotypes, portraying character and character relationships as not exclusive to their stereotype. Furthermore, the movie mocks many of societies stereotypes, and it is not afraid to address, or not to address, uncomfortable racial topics. Thus, Pulp Fiction challenges racial barriers. Jules Winnifield begins the movie as a criminal, a hit-man to be specific, but as the movie progresses he†¦show more content†¦By having a rather unassuming African American woman as the most powerful character in the film, who even the macho boss is afraid of, Pulp Fiction is helping demolish society’s racial, and gender, barriers, showing that a movie can have a powerful, African American woman who is also responsible and benevolent. Some would argue that Pulp Fiction remains a racist film as it portrays African Americans as criminals and features a dialog containing racist language. The movie contains highly racist language, making frequent use of the word nigger. In â€Å"The Bonnie Situation†when Jimmy is talking to Jules and Vince about the dead body in the car in his driveway Tarantino’s character says the word four times. This scene is especially jarring because a Caucasian man is saying this racial slur to an African American. Furthermore, the profanity is also frequently used in dialogue between Marsellus and Jules. While Pulp Fiction does use a fair amount of racist language, the movie has a deeper motive for using such language. The frequency to which the word is used in Tarantino’s works, including Pulp Fiction, has led some to believe he has an infatuation with the word. Tarantino has been quoted saying that, â€Å"the word ‘nigger’ is probably the most volatile word in the English language,†and he believes that the word should not hold the kind of power that it does. (Metroactive) Through his movies, Tarantino is trying to make the word less powerful by having it said so
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Personal Narrative My Fathers Death Essay - 730 Words
My father passed away in 1991, two weeks before Christmas. I was 25 at the time but until then I had not grown up. I was still an ignorant youth that only cared about finding the next party. My role model was now gone, forcing me to reevaluate the direction my life was heading. I needed to reexamine some of the lessons he taught me through the years. One of the earliest memories I have of my father is when he would take me to the park and we would play baseball. My father was eager to teach me everything he knew about the game, and I was eager to learn. He took it easy on me at first, allowing me to overcome my fear of being hit by the ball. Each time we went back to the park he would throw the ball a little harder. It was not long†¦show more content†¦I began to rebel and grades were no longer as important to me as they were to my father. My grades slipped to a C average, and that was not good enough. Instead of getting upset, my father encouraged me to apply myself. It too k a couple of years, but he made me realize the importance of school, and that I only had one shot at doing it right. I graduated high school in the top ten percent of my class, thanks to my father. As I entered my teen years, my father expected more out of me than just being a good student. Dad always seemed to have projects going on around the house, and I became his helper. It did not matter what the project was, he always seemed to need my help and I was not happy about that. I had better things to do than wasting a weekend working around the house. Somehow my dad knew how to do everything and felt it was his job to teach all of it to me. I was a teenager and had all of the knowledge I would ever need, so I thought. As it turned out, most of the skills I obtained helping my father led me to a rather lucrative career in manufacturing a few years later. Dad was a very stable man, holding the same job at an office furniture retailer for 25 years. In 1985 he decided to take a chan ce and open his own furniture business, a retail store that competed for sales with the very store where he spent most of his life working. It did not take long to make the new venture a success. Most of my father’s customers from hisShow MoreRelatedEssay about Baldwins Notes to a Native Son1712 Words  | 7 PagesJames Arthur Baldwin helps to bring about one of the main points of his essay, â€Å"Notes of a Native Son.†Baldwin’s composition was published in 1955, and based mostly around the World War II era. This essay was written about a decade after his father’s death, and it reflected back on his relationship with his father. At points in the essay, Baldwin expressed hatred, love, contempt, and pride for his father, and Baldwin broke down this truly complex relationship in his analysis. In order to do thisRead MoreSandra Cisneros And Reyna Grande’S Representation Of Their1220 Words  | 5 Pagesdo not recognize transnational identit ies. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Consent forms Free Essays
Although many people may think that signing a consent form is crazy, but there are many different think that people may hear about signing consent forms such as; you have to pay for the form, there are a lot of questions on the form, and they are not real at all. The real question we should all ask ourselves is that. Should informed consent be limited in certain situation? I’m about to give you some good reasons why we should sign consent forms at the doctor’s office and the hospital. We will write a custom essay sample on Consent forms or any similar topic only for you Order Now For example, while reading he book about Henrietta Lacks gave me a different outlook on what really goes on in the doctor’s office and the hospital, and we all need to watch out and read everything that we get from the hospital and doctors. Now if Henrietta got consent form she would have read that paper before she signed it and then the doctor’s would have never took her cells Just to run some test on them without her knowing, and that is where the consent form comes in at. As though many of us do not read everything that is on that form and the entire only thing that we do see on the paper is ignature and date, but we really need to read the whole thing before we go and sign a form and we have no idea what they will do without cells Just like Henrietta. One of the quotas that stand out to me in â€Å"Transparency: informed consent in primary care (Hoard Brody)†, and I feel that this quote was a good one because it gets right to the point about signing consent forms: Physicians may also view informed consent as an empty charade, since they are confident in their abilities to manipulate consent by how they discuss or divulge information (Brody par 4). While reading this quote had e thinking about a lot of thing that we may not know about these consent forms because our doctors do not really tells us about them, yet the only thing they do is give it to us so that we can read it and sign the paper. However many of us may have a lot of questions that about signing a consent form at the doctor’s office and we may not think that it is very important to sign and most of us do not want to sign that paper and they doctors may do something to you cells, and you did not sign that paper the only person that you can be upset with is yourself because you did not ead that consent form all of the way, but the one that you was ready to do is not sign that paper and Just walk out the doctor’s office. Another quote that I thought that Howard Brody wrote about in his article was: Some positive side-effects of this might be more focus on good diagnostic and therapeutic decision making on the physician’s part, since it will be understood that the patient will be made aware of what the physician’s reasoning process has been like, and better documentation of management decisions in the patient record (Brody middle of par 18). The speed of edical research together with drug companies race to create products has overtaken the system designed to keep people safe (Robert Davis par 2). While reading this quote from â€Å"U. S. : Human Medical Test Lack Oversight (Robert Davis)†, I feel that we should get a better understanding of the medical, and consent forms because if we don’t read and understand something then we will signing something tor someone to take without us knowing. In conclusion many people may not understand why we should sign a consent form Just in the case something may happen to us while we are at the doctor’s office or in the hospital. While reading these articles and the Henrietta Lacks book made me realize that signing a consent form is important because you do not give the doctors the rights to take anything from you that they did not ask for, but back in the day they could Just take anything that didn’t belong to them; however, now you have to ask that patience if you can, but most of the time they will say no. How to cite Consent forms, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
What I Do Essay Example For Students
What I Do Essay From: emailprotected (sally reynolds)Newsgroups: Slumber Party (f/f, mast., shrinking)Date: 23 Mar 1996 01:08:07 GMTOrganization: Dolls Inc. c 1996 Sally Reynolds All Rights Reserved. This story may not be posted in any area that is not intendedstrictly for adult access only. It may not be archived withoutthe written consent of the author. (As this first chapter is a rework of a fragment by anannonymous author ownership may be questionable. Butplease keep it out of the reach of children and dont sell itcause its not yours.)WARNING: This story deals with ADULT THEMES. It is not intendedfor anyone under the age of 18. The story deals with sex betweentiny and normal sized individuals, somewhat nonconscensual sex,lesbian sex, lesbian sex between individuals of vastly differentsizes, light bondage, female masturbation and all those thingswhich make life worth living.. If you do not enjoy stories ofthis nature then please stop now. If you think Newt or Rush arecool then please stop reading now. If you are underage or notpermitted material which deals with the topics discribed aboveyou should have already stopped so get out of here already!slumber partySusan was brilliant and beautiful. She didnt get too many datesthough, because when youre 6 1 you tend to intimidate men orattract weirdos. She joined Gamma Delta Phi to get so me companionshipand maybe meet a decent guy. Susan was always mixing up drinksthat nobody ever thought would be good, but they turned out great. She also managed to add some secret ingredient that would almosteliminate hangovers. She met Jim at a frat bash one night. He was cute, witty, andactually talked to her like a real person, not something out ofa sideshow. She wanted him. Bad. Everything seemed like itwould be great, but nothing ever really came of it. A few Hison campus and a few more parties, but nothing more. Andrea was one of the most popular girls in the sorority. Shewas certainly one of the prettiest, 5 8 tall and had even donesome modeling for extra cash. She considered herself quite anexpert on beauty and was very obsessed with her own. Late onenight, when they were all sitting around sipping sherry, Andreablurted out that she thought Sue was very pretty, but just tootall for most men. Susan disappeared into her room. They stillsaw her every so often, but Susan always said her chemistry classeswere getting harder, and she had to spend more time in the lab. What they didnt know at the time was that she was doing someextracurricular work of a personal nature. Susan had taken it as her personal crusade to actually shrinkherself down to a respectable 5 6. She spent day and nightfor the rest of the fall semester working on it. Finally, inthe middle of Christmas break, she got it to work. She shranka mouse by 10%. This was exactly what she needed. But she wasstill too frightened to try it herself. Spring semester started and all of the girls were back in thehouse. Things seemed better with Susan, she was going to partiesagain, going out, and having a little fun anyway. A small bottleof chemicals sat on her shelf. Then came Ladies Night Out!The girls all had a great time, Susan didnt go, she had someimportant work to do in the lab but her roommate Cheryl did. Cheryl was always fun and a bit of a practical joker. After hittingsix or seven bars and hitting on over ten guys, she was at thetop of her form. After getting back to the house, she ran upstairsto get those old Scruples cards that are always so amusing wheneveryone was drunk. On the way out, she noticed a small nondescriptbottle on Susans shelf. Wow, Sue mixed up a new batch!!Downstairs and several screwdrivers later the party began to winddown, several of the girls were going to bed. Andrea said shewas probably going to skip class in the morning because she wasexpecting a monster hangover. Too bad about that review sessi onfor midtermsWait a minute, said Cheryl, I almost forgotabout Susans stuff!! She reached into her pocket and pulledout the unmarked bottle. Here. Put this in some OJ and youllfeel fine tomorrow.She poured some juice into a relatively clean glass, and addedsome of the chemicals. Maybe we should use
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