Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Case Assignment: Disney the Happiest Brand on Earth
REPORT 1 CASE ASSIGNMENT: Disney The Happiest Brand on Earth In 2006, Disney’s Pixar discharged the hit film Cars, which earned $462 million around the world. From that point forward, Cars stock has created over $2 billion in deals every year. Pixar has since made a progression of Cars shorts to be broadcast on the Disney Channel with an ensuing DVD discharge. A Cars continuation is underway for 2011, and an online virtual gaming world is set to discharge 2009. In 2012, Disney’s California Adventure amusement park will open its 12-section of land Cars Land attraction.At Disney, the brand is the situation, and cross-stage accomplishment of the Cars establishment is in no way, shape or form the special case to the standard. Disney additionally has the Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montana, High School Musical, the Disney Princesses, Pirates of the Caribbean, and the rundown continues endlessly. The man behind the enchantment is Disney’s CEO, Bob Iger, who has lead a sensa tional rejuvenation of the Disney brand since succeeding long-term head Michael Eisner in 2005. At the point when he originally took the post, his methodology moved Disney’s center around its stable of â€Å"franchises. These establishments are conveyed across Disney’s numerous organization stages and divisions, for example, Disney’s different transmissions stages (the Disney Channel, ABC, ESPN), its customer items business, amusement parks, Disney’s Hollywood Records music name, and Disney’s distributing arm in Hyperion, just to give some examples. Iger’s establishment system has been upheld by the other significant move he made upon first turning out to be CEO. On his first day at work, Iger told the board that renewing Disney’s activity business was a top need, which would be improved through the acquisition of Pixar.As part of Iger’s establishment system the arrangement seemed well and good, the same number of Disneyâ€⠄¢s most recent TV appears, Disneyland rides, and product depended on Pixar characters. Finding another market to push the Disney establishment turned into a need too. With the Disney brand developing level, it was turning out to be clear that Disney had botched a few chances for more extensive accomplishment because of a narrowing of its objective market, which was at the time to a great extent connected with more youthful children.Iger’s first move was to widen Disney’s viewership by moving the Disney Channel from premium to satellite TV and propelling neighborhood forms in key worldwide markets. At that point, Disney started pushing establishments to catch the quickly developing tween advertise. Putting its help behind the Disney channel’s High School Musical and Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers, who were rising out of Disney’s music name, Disney immediately produced a progression of establishment juggernauts in the tween young lady market.Though Disney’s center has stayed around family-accommodating reasonable, Iger has demonstrated another ability to hope to considerably more extensive markets in the event that they fit with the Disney brand. Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean, the primary Disney film with a PG-13 rating, based off the exemplary amusement park ride, assumed a significant job in pulling together the brand, and it additionally extended the Disney advance to more seasoned children and even grown-ups. The Pirates and Cars establishments additionally gave primer strides to Disney’s most recent undertakings to break the tween kid advertise, one customarily hard for media organizations to economically capture.Their endeavors center around the new Disney XD station, which has a wide scope of contributions, for example, potential new establishments like the sci-fi activity experience show Aaron Stone and features of new melodic ability. Disney will likewise have the option to use ESPN to make un ique games based programming. The station will be joined by a Disney XD Web webpage, which will advance the channel’s programs, just as offer games and unique recordings, person to person communication, and online network opportunities.As it keeps on extending and give new establishment contributions, Disney hopes to have moderately solid force, even amidst rising monetary difficulties. As Steve Jobs, Apple CEO and Disney board part, puts it, â€Å"Family is an inexhaustible resource,†and at this moment, Disney is capitalizing on it. SOURCES: Richard Siklos, â€Å"Bob Iger Rocks Disney,†Fortune, January 19, 2009, 80â€86; Peter Sanders, â€Å"Disney Focuses on Boys,†The Wall Street Journal, January 8, 2009, accessible at ttp://on the web. wsj. com/article/SB123137513996262627. html (got to January 14, 2009). 1. Do a concise market opportunity examination for Disney, recognizing the significant markets that Disney has ventured into. 2. How does Disney ’s cross-stage diversifying help make economical upper hand? 3. Depict the promoting blend for one of Disney’s establishments. 4. Portray the significant segments of Bob Iger’s vital arrangement when he initially became CEO.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Vark: Educational Psychology and Learning Styles
VARK Analysis Grand Canyon University VARK Analysis VARK alludes to a particular style of learning, visual, sound-related, perusing and composing and sensation leaners. (Fleming and Mills, 1992) VARK appraisal addresses ready individuals to the wide range of ways to deal with learning. (VARK: A Guide to Learning Styles, 2011) For those battling with learning the VARK examination can build up another learning approach or improve your present learning style by recognizing your learning style to all the more successfully store and review data. Realizing our own learning style additionally can assist you with realizing that others may move toward the circumstance not the same as your own. (Connor, 2009) â€Å"Everyone has a specific measure of each learning style, however one learning type will be more predominant that than other. †(Smith, 2011) Throughout our excursion of youth training we are acquainted with sensation learning in the early years, JR high visual and peruse and compose and higher students experience increasingly sound-related. (Smith, 2011) Each individual is presented to various learning draws near anyway we build up an inclination to a particular learning style. Whichever type an individual is, will be the way they see life and grasp circumstances. This is their own, novel individual separating framework. Clearly every one of us will turn out to be consequently attracted to our equivalent kind, and the individuals who channel a similar data the manner in which we do. Be that as it may, having assor ted connections will expand our own satisfaction all through our lives†(Smith, 2011) â€Å"VARK is tied in with learning, not relaxation exercises. The read/compose students lean toward data showed as words. This learning style underscores content based-information and yield. Individuals who incline toward this methodology are regularly dependent on Power Points, the web, records journals and words, words, words. †(VARK: A Guide to Learning Styles, 2011) Upon stepping through this examination, it strengthened the learning methodologies I right now use the peruse and compose learning inclination. Peruse and compose students need recording materials to take focuses the believe are significant from what the read, hear and see. (Smith, 2011) The favorable position for read compose students they are free with learning and can self-instruct. A hindrance to this style of learning inclination if an introduction is sound or visual without any chances to take takes note of, this sort of student will battle with appreciating the substance. With an introduction that is progressively visual and sound, the read compose student must change over this substance to a style of words in their mind that will assist them with submitting this to memory. (VARK: A Guide to Learning Styles, 2011) Read and Write students like to take data by making rundown, headings or using book, gifts, expositions and manuals. To make their admission of data a learnable bundle a peruse and compose student must change over their â€Å"notes†by 3:1 for contemplating. †(VARK: A Guide to Learning Styles, 2011) These read/compose student to use the data they assemble frequently sorts out their composed words into outlines, diagrams, graphs and read their notes and change the principals into different words. The effective yield of this data is the point at which they can perform well on a test or task. VARK: A Guide to Learning Styles, 2011) Completing the VARK investigation toward the start of my BSN program strengthened the qualities of my read compose learning inclination. This learning inclination style examination additionally gave proposals if a peruse and compose student is placed in a circumstance where they should use the other learning styles. The proposal to change over that data into the favored â€Å"word†technique read/compose students like is a brilliant recommendation instead of concentrating on the reality one is awkward with the introduction of the material in a non-favored learning strategy. College Education is perfect for a peruse and compose student because of the solace of understanding content, composing notes and expositions. †(VARK: A Guide to Learning Styles, 2011) This style learning inclination does well with self-educate/realizing which an advantage in the online study hall condit ion. The test a read/compose student may look in the online study hall is the need to tune in to online instructional exercises, this is a period they would need to change over the data into a favored â€Å"word†strategy to process the required data in a manner they better grasp. The read compose student has a â€Å"AH HA’ second which is the point the words they consumption assist them with understanding the subject and procedure the data long haul. (Smith, 2011) References Connor, M. (2009). Imperishable Learners: What’s your Learning Style? Recovered January 20, 2012, from http://agelesslearner. com/survey/learningstyle. html Fleming, N. , and Mills, C. (1992). Helping Students Understand How They Learn [Journal]. The Teaching Professor, 7(). Recovered from www. vark-learn. com Smith, C. (2011, June). Seeing Every Personality Type: Audio, Visual and Kinesthetic [Discussion Group comment]. Recovered from http://applecsmith. hubpages. com/center point/Being-Successful-With-Every-Personality-Type-Audio-Visual-Kinesthetic Smith, D. (2011, June 26). Favorable circumstances and Disadvantages to various learning styles [Discussion Group comment]. Recovered from http://www. ehow. com/info_8651838_advantages-hindrances distinctive learning-styles. html VARK: A Guide to Learning Styles. (2011). www. vark-learn. com
Monday, August 10, 2020
A Personal History In Trans Lit
A Personal History In Trans Lit LUNA It’s eighth grade and I can’t stop reading this slim YA novel. After enough reminders from the school librarian, I return their copy and special order my own copy from the bookstore/café I work at. There are some books I reread because I’m a depressed teenager who finds a semblance of sanity in returning to her favorite books but I don’t even particularly like Luna. I think the narrator is bratty. (I do like how much opera she listens to because I don’t know anyone else my age who likes opera.) Luna comes off as selfish and flat, I don’t even enjoy the author’s use of language, and yet I can’t stay away from this book. There’s something in it, something familiar that I’ve never felt before and it terrifies me. Each time I read the novel the pain inflicted upon Luna feels real, sometimes realer than my own. Even though this book hurts me I keep rereading it because finally I know a girl like me. I can’t put that into words yet, I’m still telling myself I’m a boy, but buried deep inside me is the knowledge that I’m a girl and now I know that I’m not alone. FINDING THE REAL ME I’m fourteen, at summer camp, and I’m having a hard time being a boy. In our workshops about gender as a social construct I find myself lying about how comfortable I am in my “male†identity to cover up the fact that I actually loathe every minute of it. One of the counselors sees something in me and very casually gives me this anthology of personal essays from a wide variety of trans people. Just like Luna I find myself reading and rereading it in a way that might border on obsessive. The glossary is full of foreign words and I read it out loud but under my breath, each word (ze, mtf, cisgender) sounding like the spells from my favorite fantasy stories. Among the contributors there is such a wide variety of identities, pronouns, and experiences that I become disoriented as I try to take everything in. There’s so much pain and heartbreak in these essays but there’s even more joy and hope and strength and happiness. This is new to me, the trans stories I’m used to are the ones from television shows like CSI or Law and Order which always involve us on a slab in some morgue, even Luna ends right as she begins to experiences any real happiness. For the first time in my life I know that there are trans stories out there that aren’t full of suffering and for some reason I find this immensely comforting. NEVADA “What do you mean you haven’t read Nevada?†I don’t appreciate the tone in my friend’s voice, like most of their recommendations this comes with an element of Cool Kid mentoring the school’s Nerdy Girl, an element of Read THIS If You’re The Right Kind Of Trans, but their recommendations usually end up being solid so I let it slide and borrow their copy. I’m almost 21, in my first year of my second college, and while I’m openly identifying as a nonbinary trans person I know that for me I’m just gathering my courage to say that I’m a woman. Nevada becomes an escape from my mess of a life, a submersion into a fictional world whose main character’s life is such a shit-show that she makes me look like I’m put together. Maria Griffiths is an irresponsible mess I want to give a stern talking to and yet it’s her story that begins to give me the space to come out. This is the first fiction piece about a trans woman I’ve read that doesn’t focus on her com ing out, doesn’t waste pages talking about medical procedures that I can’t afford, doesn’t try to educate me. Instead for the first time I’m reading a book about a trans woman bicycling in Brooklyn while drunk and kind of stealing a car and just living her life and for the first time I can begin to see a life for me.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
QuentinTarantino and Racial Barriers - 1202 Words
Quentin Tarantino’s films are always controversial, and Pulp Fiction is no exception. The film depicts graphic violence and overt drug usage, while shying away from politically correct language. The film’s controversial topics such as racial stereotypes, has led some critics to hail the movie as racist; however, the movie denies many of these stereotypes, portraying character and character relationships as not exclusive to their stereotype. Furthermore, the movie mocks many of societies stereotypes, and it is not afraid to address, or not to address, uncomfortable racial topics. Thus, Pulp Fiction challenges racial barriers. Jules Winnifield begins the movie as a criminal, a hit-man to be specific, but as the movie progresses he†¦show more content†¦By having a rather unassuming African American woman as the most powerful character in the film, who even the macho boss is afraid of, Pulp Fiction is helping demolish society’s racial, and gender, barriers, showing that a movie can have a powerful, African American woman who is also responsible and benevolent. Some would argue that Pulp Fiction remains a racist film as it portrays African Americans as criminals and features a dialog containing racist language. The movie contains highly racist language, making frequent use of the word nigger. In â€Å"The Bonnie Situation†when Jimmy is talking to Jules and Vince about the dead body in the car in his driveway Tarantino’s character says the word four times. This scene is especially jarring because a Caucasian man is saying this racial slur to an African American. Furthermore, the profanity is also frequently used in dialogue between Marsellus and Jules. While Pulp Fiction does use a fair amount of racist language, the movie has a deeper motive for using such language. The frequency to which the word is used in Tarantino’s works, including Pulp Fiction, has led some to believe he has an infatuation with the word. Tarantino has been quoted saying that, â€Å"the word ‘nigger’ is probably the most volatile word in the English language,†and he believes that the word should not hold the kind of power that it does. (Metroactive) Through his movies, Tarantino is trying to make the word less powerful by having it said so
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Personal Narrative My Fathers Death Essay - 730 Words
My father passed away in 1991, two weeks before Christmas. I was 25 at the time but until then I had not grown up. I was still an ignorant youth that only cared about finding the next party. My role model was now gone, forcing me to reevaluate the direction my life was heading. I needed to reexamine some of the lessons he taught me through the years. One of the earliest memories I have of my father is when he would take me to the park and we would play baseball. My father was eager to teach me everything he knew about the game, and I was eager to learn. He took it easy on me at first, allowing me to overcome my fear of being hit by the ball. Each time we went back to the park he would throw the ball a little harder. It was not long†¦show more content†¦I began to rebel and grades were no longer as important to me as they were to my father. My grades slipped to a C average, and that was not good enough. Instead of getting upset, my father encouraged me to apply myself. It too k a couple of years, but he made me realize the importance of school, and that I only had one shot at doing it right. I graduated high school in the top ten percent of my class, thanks to my father. As I entered my teen years, my father expected more out of me than just being a good student. Dad always seemed to have projects going on around the house, and I became his helper. It did not matter what the project was, he always seemed to need my help and I was not happy about that. I had better things to do than wasting a weekend working around the house. Somehow my dad knew how to do everything and felt it was his job to teach all of it to me. I was a teenager and had all of the knowledge I would ever need, so I thought. As it turned out, most of the skills I obtained helping my father led me to a rather lucrative career in manufacturing a few years later. Dad was a very stable man, holding the same job at an office furniture retailer for 25 years. In 1985 he decided to take a chan ce and open his own furniture business, a retail store that competed for sales with the very store where he spent most of his life working. It did not take long to make the new venture a success. Most of my father’s customers from hisShow MoreRelatedEssay about Baldwins Notes to a Native Son1712 Words  | 7 PagesJames Arthur Baldwin helps to bring about one of the main points of his essay, â€Å"Notes of a Native Son.†Baldwin’s composition was published in 1955, and based mostly around the World War II era. This essay was written about a decade after his father’s death, and it reflected back on his relationship with his father. At points in the essay, Baldwin expressed hatred, love, contempt, and pride for his father, and Baldwin broke down this truly complex relationship in his analysis. In order to do thisRead MoreSandra Cisneros And Reyna Grande’S Representation Of Their1220 Words  | 5 Pagesdo not recognize transnational identit ies. 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Only the bare facts are written and Baldwin deli berately avoids using any colorful descriptions or interesting phrases in order to recreate the mood at this particular moment in his life. With this stripped down narrative passage, Baldwin sets an overall tone of bleakness, harshness andRead MoreWhat We Are Who We Should Be: Literary Realism1132 Words  | 5 Pagesbut provide a practical solution. More often than not though, realists will leave it up to their reader to formulate a cure. In A Rose for Emily, Faulkner looks back on the relationships of an aging southern belle, using third and second person narrative to comment on the happenings of the story. The title character of the story, Miss Emily Grierson, has two main relationships in her lifetime. The first, the relationship she had with her father, is described as controlling: â€Å"†¦ that quality of her
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Consent forms Free Essays
Although many people may think that signing a consent form is crazy, but there are many different think that people may hear about signing consent forms such as; you have to pay for the form, there are a lot of questions on the form, and they are not real at all. The real question we should all ask ourselves is that. Should informed consent be limited in certain situation? I’m about to give you some good reasons why we should sign consent forms at the doctor’s office and the hospital. We will write a custom essay sample on Consent forms or any similar topic only for you Order Now For example, while reading he book about Henrietta Lacks gave me a different outlook on what really goes on in the doctor’s office and the hospital, and we all need to watch out and read everything that we get from the hospital and doctors. Now if Henrietta got consent form she would have read that paper before she signed it and then the doctor’s would have never took her cells Just to run some test on them without her knowing, and that is where the consent form comes in at. As though many of us do not read everything that is on that form and the entire only thing that we do see on the paper is ignature and date, but we really need to read the whole thing before we go and sign a form and we have no idea what they will do without cells Just like Henrietta. One of the quotas that stand out to me in â€Å"Transparency: informed consent in primary care (Hoard Brody)†, and I feel that this quote was a good one because it gets right to the point about signing consent forms: Physicians may also view informed consent as an empty charade, since they are confident in their abilities to manipulate consent by how they discuss or divulge information (Brody par 4). While reading this quote had e thinking about a lot of thing that we may not know about these consent forms because our doctors do not really tells us about them, yet the only thing they do is give it to us so that we can read it and sign the paper. However many of us may have a lot of questions that about signing a consent form at the doctor’s office and we may not think that it is very important to sign and most of us do not want to sign that paper and they doctors may do something to you cells, and you did not sign that paper the only person that you can be upset with is yourself because you did not ead that consent form all of the way, but the one that you was ready to do is not sign that paper and Just walk out the doctor’s office. Another quote that I thought that Howard Brody wrote about in his article was: Some positive side-effects of this might be more focus on good diagnostic and therapeutic decision making on the physician’s part, since it will be understood that the patient will be made aware of what the physician’s reasoning process has been like, and better documentation of management decisions in the patient record (Brody middle of par 18). The speed of edical research together with drug companies race to create products has overtaken the system designed to keep people safe (Robert Davis par 2). While reading this quote from â€Å"U. S. : Human Medical Test Lack Oversight (Robert Davis)†, I feel that we should get a better understanding of the medical, and consent forms because if we don’t read and understand something then we will signing something tor someone to take without us knowing. In conclusion many people may not understand why we should sign a consent form Just in the case something may happen to us while we are at the doctor’s office or in the hospital. While reading these articles and the Henrietta Lacks book made me realize that signing a consent form is important because you do not give the doctors the rights to take anything from you that they did not ask for, but back in the day they could Just take anything that didn’t belong to them; however, now you have to ask that patience if you can, but most of the time they will say no. How to cite Consent forms, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
What I Do Essay Example For Students
What I Do Essay From: emailprotected (sally reynolds)Newsgroups: alt.sex.storiesSubject: Slumber Party (f/f, mast., shrinking)Date: 23 Mar 1996 01:08:07 GMTOrganization: Dolls Inc. c 1996 Sally Reynolds All Rights Reserved. This story may not be posted in any area that is not intendedstrictly for adult access only. It may not be archived withoutthe written consent of the author. (As this first chapter is a rework of a fragment by anannonymous author ownership may be questionable. Butplease keep it out of the reach of children and dont sell itcause its not yours.)WARNING: This story deals with ADULT THEMES. It is not intendedfor anyone under the age of 18. The story deals with sex betweentiny and normal sized individuals, somewhat nonconscensual sex,lesbian sex, lesbian sex between individuals of vastly differentsizes, light bondage, female masturbation and all those thingswhich make life worth living.. If you do not enjoy stories ofthis nature then please stop now. If you think Newt or Rush arecool then please stop reading now. If you are underage or notpermitted material which deals with the topics discribed aboveyou should have already stopped so get out of here already!slumber partySusan was brilliant and beautiful. She didnt get too many datesthough, because when youre 6 1 you tend to intimidate men orattract weirdos. She joined Gamma Delta Phi to get so me companionshipand maybe meet a decent guy. Susan was always mixing up drinksthat nobody ever thought would be good, but they turned out great. She also managed to add some secret ingredient that would almosteliminate hangovers. She met Jim at a frat bash one night. He was cute, witty, andactually talked to her like a real person, not something out ofa sideshow. She wanted him. Bad. Everything seemed like itwould be great, but nothing ever really came of it. A few Hison campus and a few more parties, but nothing more. Andrea was one of the most popular girls in the sorority. Shewas certainly one of the prettiest, 5 8 tall and had even donesome modeling for extra cash. She considered herself quite anexpert on beauty and was very obsessed with her own. Late onenight, when they were all sitting around sipping sherry, Andreablurted out that she thought Sue was very pretty, but just tootall for most men. Susan disappeared into her room. They stillsaw her every so often, but Susan always said her chemistry classeswere getting harder, and she had to spend more time in the lab. What they didnt know at the time was that she was doing someextracurricular work of a personal nature. Susan had taken it as her personal crusade to actually shrinkherself down to a respectable 5 6. She spent day and nightfor the rest of the fall semester working on it. Finally, inthe middle of Christmas break, she got it to work. She shranka mouse by 10%. This was exactly what she needed. But she wasstill too frightened to try it herself. Spring semester started and all of the girls were back in thehouse. Things seemed better with Susan, she was going to partiesagain, going out, and having a little fun anyway. A small bottleof chemicals sat on her shelf. Then came Ladies Night Out!The girls all had a great time, Susan didnt go, she had someimportant work to do in the lab but her roommate Cheryl did. Cheryl was always fun and a bit of a practical joker. After hittingsix or seven bars and hitting on over ten guys, she was at thetop of her form. After getting back to the house, she ran upstairsto get those old Scruples cards that are always so amusing wheneveryone was drunk. On the way out, she noticed a small nondescriptbottle on Susans shelf. Wow, Sue mixed up a new batch!!Downstairs and several screwdrivers later the party began to winddown, several of the girls were going to bed. Andrea said shewas probably going to skip class in the morning because she wasexpecting a monster hangover. Too bad about that review sessi onfor midtermsWait a minute, said Cheryl, I almost forgotabout Susans stuff!! She reached into her pocket and pulledout the unmarked bottle. Here. Put this in some OJ and youllfeel fine tomorrow.She poured some juice into a relatively clean glass, and addedsome of the chemicals. Maybe we should use
Monday, March 23, 2020
Elements of Entrepreneurship Essay Example
Elements of Entrepreneurship Paper One of the most important elements of entrepreneurship is motivation and commitment. Its important to start the right way. You must know who is lending you the funds for your business so that you can stay motivated. You want to make sure that they are a reliable source for the future. You must convince your lender that your company will succeed and be able to pay your loan back In a timely manner. Inform them that you have researched the market and you feel that your business will be valuable. Having the ablest and skills to organize and run the business Is important as well. Having the correct resources and a vision is important in running a business. Trying to persuade people that your business is needed and that in five to ten years ahead, your business will still be on top is important. Making sure that you have planning and organizing skills when establishing a business and having a good administration team to help coordinate all your business needs will be needed. TOMS Shoes Company Is selling their product online and assuring the buyers that a percent will go towards countries that are in need. We will write a custom essay sample on Elements of Entrepreneurship specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Elements of Entrepreneurship specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Elements of Entrepreneurship specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Tom Shoes is very smart and organized. They are helping others by selling their products. They are selling quality shoes and giving some of the profits to children that are in need. They are showing great entrepreneurial skills. They are allowing you to view it on their website, make your choice, and pay for the item online. Everyone shops online so this is very helpful. They started off being motivation and making sure that they were helping Giving back to the community for a cause is a great Social responsibility. The company is showing that making a profit is not the most important thing. They are making sure that they are providing for children that are needed in different countries. Donating their time and money to help others is great social responsibility tactics. Giving back in a meaningful way must be a passion of TOMS shoes. Dream Scale is moving from a dream to reality in starting up a business. I would visualize the type of business I would like to start. I would then have a fantasy of what I would like everything to look like short and long term. I know that I would need to start from the bottom. My dreams would be next and are possible to happen. I would then make set in stone plans of my business and get started. My concepts will then play a role in getting the funds, supplies and locations to start up the business. I would then be able to set goals that I would like to achieve with my business in the future. Also, knowing the money and supplies that I have, will make this possible. Making sure that I have a reliable source and reliable helpers would be important in this step. It would then be time to start my business plan. Making sure that everything is order from funds to workers. Makings sure that the company is needed would be important in this step as well. I would apply social responsibility and social entrepreneurship to my business in a positive way. I would be starting up a Obese adolescent Center. I would be providing services for children and teens that will help with their future. I would make sure that we have volunteers that would help with the children as well as licensed physicians, dieticians, and exercise coordinators. Providing free and quality care to children in need would be a great social responsibility. Making sure that children are able to live a healthy lifestyle from childhood to adult is very important in the United States.
Friday, March 6, 2020
minutemen essays
minutemen essays The Minutemen and Their World, by Robert Gross, is a novel that explains the years before, during, and after the American Revolution from the citizens perspective in Concord, Massachusetts. The book gives detail about the life of the people that live in Concord and other close by areas. The book also explains how the people of Concord came to support this revolution and become patriots of our great nation. One of the reasons the book illustrated was the economic problem due to overpopulation and not having enough productive land in the area around the town. Also, the New Englanders had grown to hold a strong belief that the taxes that Britain imposed on them were violating their inalienable rights as Men, as Christians, and as Subjects.(Gross 65). There were also other reasons then those stated above, the people of Concord had a great deal of political tensions already. Mainly due to the pressures the patriotic colonists put on the dissenters to conform to their values. Concord started out as just a small shire town where the Middlesex County courts met. It was also a center for trade and communication in the area because of the high quality of roads that ran to and from Concord. These roads made Concord a prime spot for the temporary meeting place of the colonial government. This happened when a huge smallpox outbreak occurred in Boston from 1752 to 1764. This put Concord on the map and helped pave the way for it to become more of a political town. But, even though the colonial government was there for some time, it still took up until 1772 before the citizens of Concord really paid attention to colonial disputes against Britain. They had problems of their own to deal with, and needed to talk mostly about their own land, schools, roads and religious matters. These issues took up most of their time during the few town meetings they held. Concord had many other problems early on as well. Pre...
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Trials and Verdicts Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Trials and Verdicts - Assignment Example Later, Davis appealed by claiming that the location evidence, which the prosecution used without obtaining a warrant, violated his rights contained in the Fourth Amendment. The 11th US Circuit Court of the Appeals did not overturn Davis’s sentence and applied â€Å"good faith†exception to cushion the prosecution from punishment stemming from unconstitutional reliance on the law. The district was appropriate for handling the Davis’s case. The district courts have a jurisdiction to handle the trials of criminal, as well as the civil nature. The federal court district has a mandate to decide a case. It is noteworthy that the federal district court is the starting point of all cases that arise under constitution, statutes, and treats. In this regard, the Miami district court was suitable for conducting the trial and sentencing the defendant. Notably, the court did not contradict its mandate as stipulated in the federal court system. In essence, the district court appropriately handled and decided the case. The defendant entered a plea bargain after admitting that he killed Nancy Cooper and subsequently dumped her body in a drainage ditch on Fielding Drive. The police investigation indicated that the offender had strangled Nancy before dumping her in a ditch. The prosecutors argued that Cooper killed Nancy because the latter had planned to divorce him during the trial (Blythe, 2014). Nancy’s family had been waiting for the guilty plea to know who exactly killed Nancy. Superior Court Judge Paul Gessner posed the question to Bradley Cooper to inform the court whether he murdered his wife. Bradley pleaded guilty to the second-degree murder in 2014 although he had maintained he was not guilty of the first-degree murder since 2008. Cooper received a less sentence of twelve years in prison and a credit of 2,156 days that he had already served (Blythe, 2014). In my opinion, the Nancy’s family received a fair justice. Nancy’s death and circumstances
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Identifying Problems and Offering Solutions Essay
Identifying Problems and Offering Solutions - Essay Example For instance, if one of the students was making noise in class, Nick would candidly to stop talking in class because that was the rule. This quite irritated his classmates and hence got him on the wrong side of the school bullies. They would spit in his lunch, knock over his books, call him names such as gay and faggot, and this really hurt his pride. Unfortunately, when Nick’s parents complained to the school authorities about their son’s predicaments, all they got was nothing more than ‘boys will always be boys’ or ‘we’ve done all we can’. One unfortunate morning, Nick Perry changed his pajamas and wore his favorite T-shirt and pair of jeans. Having had enough, Nick strapped a belt around his neck and hanged himself from the top of the shelf of his closet. When his father found him, it was too late to save him. Nick’s life had been cut short at his young age. Bullying in schools is a global problem and as Nick’s suicide case shows, it can have dire consequences. This article therefore looks into the causes of bullying in schools, its impact on students, the short and long term effects it has on the bullies and victims before discussing some of the strategies such as revision of school policies as solution to bullying in schools. Bullying can be defined as aggressive behaviors or actions that are done with the intent of making the victims feel belittled or hurting them. Bullying in schools can further be described as unwanted behaviors among students driven by either perceived or real imbalances of power. Bullying bears the following characteristics: Imbalance of power- the students who act as bullies, use the power at their disposal such as physical strength, popularity, seniority, or access to some embarrassing information about their victim, to control others. However, this imbalance of power is subject to change from time to time depending on the situation. It has to be
Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Different Elements Of Identity
The Different Elements Of Identity At stake are questions about the linkages of different identity domains, how the various aspects of the self interconnect, and how various identities become active or inactive as people locate themselves in various social contexts (Narvà ¡ez et al 2009) Everyone needs to know who he or she is. This is a question about ones identity. Identity is a complicated and debatable termà £Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ It is a set of characteristics that belongs uniquely to somebody. It includes both changeable and stable aspects and is influenced by both outside and inside factors. Ones identity consists of three basic elements: personal identity, family identity and social identity. Each of these elements is determined by individual circumstances (Wetherell et al 2008). First of all, personal identity is about ones moral beliefs and self values. It is showed in the decisions one makes, the way they talk to themselves and the different goals they have achieved in their lives (Wetherell et al 2008). Most people have a standard for right and wrong. People doing the right things would grow honesty and integrity (St Louis 2009). On the other hand, if a person keeps on doing things that they believe to be wrong, they may start to believe they are not to be trusted. These choices will have huge effect on how people consider themselves; this is called sense of worth (Nolan and Rudenstein 2009). Communicating with themselves, people do self-talk (Narvà ¡ez et al 2009) most of the time. This self-talk is an important way to build up the sense of how people consider themselves and their self-identity. Each person has their own standards and values. Each person judges how they are doing according to these criteria (Dyrenfurth 2009). Moreover, ones successes and failures will also affect personal identity (Dyrenfurth 2009). When people achieve their goals they feel accomplished and fulfilled (Narvà ¡ez et al 2009). In contrast, if one fails there occurs a self-questioning (Nolan and Rudenstein 2009). Setting and fighting toward goals also makes people meet their limits, which helps find their abilities as well as limitations. This is important for ones self-identity (Narvà ¡ez et al 2009). Second element is family identity. It is made up of the characteristics a person has been given along with the role in their family they have been born into (Wetherell et al 2008). Family identity builds up the cultural environment in which people will grow their knowledge of who they are. Scientifically, this is about DNA, which is unique to each and everyone. As well, the inherited traits (Narvà ¡ez et al 2009) one receives through birth determines both their mental and physical attributes. Some children may be gifted with high intelligence while others may suffer with an emotional, mental, or physical handicap (Crenshaw 1996, cited in Narvà ¡ez et al 2009). Although these nature born characteristics may have less impact during life experience, they will always have fundamental effects. The bearing on (Wetherell et al 2008) identity or say the role people are born into in their families has been well explored by many psychiatrists. There are many researches exploring the personal characteristics different roles of the family will have. Commonalities of people within each group (Wetherell et al 2008) can be explained by analyzing childrens behaviors in their families. The Firstborns (Wetherell et al 2008) are known to feel they have the responsibility to be the one to set an example in their family (Zylinska 2005, cited in St Louis 2009). While the youngest child of the family are often considered spoiled and not have to fight for as many rights as their older siblings. (St Louis 2009). Though these generalizations may vary in different families, they still impact on ones identity throughout life. Culturally family leads to the way of life one will go. Women and men have always considered having different roles in life (St Louis 009). This is determined in both gender roles and ethnic groups. For example, men are often taught to be the ones to earn money and in contrast, women are to be the homemakers. Men are natural to be tough and unemotional while women are caring and sensitive (Wetherell et al 2008). On ethnic stage, education is one of the most significant aspects in some cultures, while athletic ability or beauty is more important for others (Duany 2003, cited in Nolan and Rubenstein 2009). These are all cultural influences one would receive to build up their sense of identity. . . . the question, and the theorization, of identity is a matter of considerable political significance, and is only likely to be advanced when both the necessity and the impossibility of identities, and the suturing of the psychic and the discursive in their constitution, are fully and unambiguously acknowledged'(Hall 1996, cited in St Louis 2009). Finally, social identity is about ones world around them. It includes what one believes others feel about them and how one believes they fit within their society (Wetherell et al 2008). It is largely influenced by factors such as ones working class, monetary value, education level, and popularity (Dyrenfurth 2009). Owning a company compared to working at the bottom floor of a company creates a different sense of power and security (Nolan and Rubenstein 2009). Positions in employment can impact on the community one lives in and the respect they receive. This is how it impacts on the power and respect one believes they have (Nolan and Rubenstein 2009). This also affected by monetary conditions, as people with wealth are often given the same power and respect in society. A well-dressed person will be more intently listened to in public than one who is poor and in broken clothes. This will transfer over to the sense of worth people feel they have (Dyrenfurth 2009). Moreover, the level of education one experiences effects the belief of ones ability. Society as a whole enforces the separation (Wetherell et al 2008). Many community and business positions require a formal education record without giving exploration to the experiential background of candidates. This may cause one to believe they are more or less equipped, brighter or slower depending on the level of education received (St Louis 2009). Last but not least, ones popularity in society is among the greatest influences upon social-identity. To be popular or not in determined by many aspects. One can hold or lose popularity by showing their charm, good will, humor, intelligence, power, social standing, wealth, beauty and so on. Being liked or not is based on these qualities, which may highly likely cause one to re-evaluate the qualities they believe they have and their elf value and self-identity (Narvà ¡ez et al 2009). Peoples feel of their self-identity will change during their social experiences. In conclusion, with such individuality and uniqueness, it is without a doubt to say identity is complex, but it is also simple to see aspects from where self-identity is gained. Self-identity shifts throughout life with influences of family, personal, and social factors. In the end, ones identity is built up of a set of characteristics that one finds are uniquely belong to oneself.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
A.J. Dbq for Us History Advanced Placement
Before Andrew Jackson became president, he came off as an average man living in middle class America. He pulled his â€Å"Average Joe†persona off like a pro and got elected into the White house as a â€Å"man of the people†. However, Jackson may have been a common man, but he wielded power like a king. Kings have a difficult job. They have to walk the fine line of being strict enough that the subjects won't throw a fit when they don't get what they want but at the same time not being too dictatorial or else the people will rebel. More importantly, a king must be firm in what he believes is right for the country. Jackson greatly increased the power of the presidency. He did not comply with the checks and balance system, and also did not allow North Carolina to nullify the Protective Tariff of 1823. Jackson fired the old aristocrats (from farming families) from government jobs and replaced them with incompetent people – this was known as the â€Å"spoils system. †He was also responsible for the â€Å"Trail of Tears†. Jackson took his job extremely seriously and used his full power to help the entire country. Andrew Jackson often took advantage of his veto power. He was very willing to veto the laws that the legislative branch came up with. Because of this, Congress learned to ask for his opinions in advance to avoid vetos. All presidents have since had a say on impending legislation. Andrew was not afraid to use his power aggressively if it meant helping the whole country. An example of this is in the Nullification Crisis. In short, this was when Andrew Jackson passed tariff acts on the states. South Carolina, after years of complaining about it, finally refused to obey the 1832 tariff. They voted to have troops defend them against Jackson. The president responded angrily and sent troops to South Carolina to enforce the tariff bill and asked Congress for a â€Å"Force Bill†to back him up. Andrew Jackson was also responsible for the Trail of Tears. This was when he forced thousands of Native Americans to relocate. In 1830, Jackson passed the Indian Removal Act. It ordered all Native Americans living east of the Mississippi River to move west of it. This resulted in many of them dying from exposure, disease and starvation while migrating. Jackson, of course, did this intending the best for the country.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Analysis of Animal Farm and It’s Characters
Animal Farm is an allegorical fable of the workers revolt and the rise to power of the communist party in the former Soviet Union shortly after World War I and in particular the rise to supremacy of Joseph Stalin, as told in the form of a story of the farm animals of Manor Farm who overthrow the drunken farmer Jones and seize control of the farm for themselves. In this allegory, farmer Jones represents the Russian aristocracy and the animals represent the peasants, working class, and some elements of the middle class who revolted against them.The various animals on the farm were intended by Orwell to represent the various classes and responses of individuals to power. The pigs clearly represent the ruling class and the lust for power, the ones who will go out of their way to get what they want. They also represent the intellectual class, because of their capacity to read and write. First among the pigs is Old Major, the boar who prophesizes the revolution. He is based on the politica l economist Karl Marx, and, like Marx, dies before the revolution occurs, but whose teachings inspired the revolution.After the revolution, two pigs: Snowball and Napoleon, rise to prominence in the ruling pig class. Snowball was Orwell’s portrayal of the intellectual orator Leon Trotsky, who was outmanoeuvred for the leadership of the Russian communist party after the death of Lenin by Stalin, who is represented in Animal Farm by Napoleon. Snowball, like Trotsky, comes to be portrayed by the ruling forces as an anti-revolutionary figure who they claim to be working behind the scenes to undermine what happens on the farm.Second in the social ladder of Animal Farm are the puppies, taken from their mother at birth and indoctrinated by Napoleon. They signify the elite revolutionary guard, most loyal to the leadership but who also benefit from that loyalty. Further down the ladder is Boxer, the work-horse who is very loyal to authority. The expression â€Å"work-horse†ref ers to a â€Å"person or machine that dependably performs hard work over a long period of time†which corresponds perfectly with Boxer and his motto: â€Å"I will work harder†.He symbolizes the hard working peasant class, who in communist societies were always hailed by the ruling class but who were also secretly feared by them for their strength. Lower on the ladder you find the sheep. They are the ignorant ones and symbolize the uneducated, those most easily duped and fooled by power, and from whom the ruling class gain most of their authority. Finally, there is Benjamin the donkey, who represents cynicism, those who recognize corruption but do nothing to stop it and follow the current; those who go along and try not to be noticed.Only once does Benjamin become exited, and it happens when his friend Boxer gets carried away by the glue cart and taken to his untimely death, in the same way that mister Jones would have done. Among the humans, the main characters are Mis ter Frederick and Mister Pilkington. They represent Germany and England respectively. They compete both for the favour of Animal Farm but both wish to undo Animal Farm. Animal Farm is partly saved by the fact that Mr. Fredrick and Mr. Pilkington don’t get along, and their conflict represent the struggles in Europe during the years of the Second World War and those leading up to it.Mr. Fredericks attack on Animal Farm near the end of the book is a portrayal of the treachery of a pact signed between Stalin and Hitler, which lead to the siege of Leningrad. In essence, the novella deals with the way power becomes consolidated in smaller and smaller hands, until it is essentially controlled by one animal, Napoleon. After Jones is overthrown, power is shared by every animal, intelligent or not, but quickly comes to reside only in the hooves of the ruling class, better known as the pigs, then only in Napoleon’s.It is the story of how power corrupts everything. Animal Farm is perceived, at the beginning, as an idealistic farm where power is divided into the hands of all, and the repartition of power was voted by every animal. Therefore one can argue that Animal Farm’s political power was gained in legitimate way, which means it was accepted by all the animals. Even though Animal Farm depicted an optimistic regime, it did not take long before its state deteriorated. It is easily relatable to the power in the Soviet Union at the time.Whilst Stalin gained power in an illegal way by duping the soviet population and making Trotsky flee, he portrayed himself as the greatest thing that ever happened to the Union, and conned his people by creating a lifestyle in which everyone had equal rights and duties. Like in the Soviet Union, once power was contained by the more authoritative, in this case the pigs, it became progressively illegitimate. Putting the control in smaller and smaller hooves, the animals on the farm slowly lost power, and therefore the pow er became illegitimate, because it was not accepted fully by all the animals.Although Orwell was a socialist, his novel demonstrates how for revolutions to succeed, violent men are needed to run the revolution, but once successful, these men are going to remain violent to maintain their doctrine. It is also interesting to see how the animals represent the different psychologies of individuals coming to deal with something that they believed with every fiber of their being to be good but which turns out to be totally wrong.On the one extreme you have the sheep types, who are far too ignorant to understand what is going on, while on the other you have the Benjamin-the-donkey types who know that it is wrong but decide to go with it because they are too cynical to believe that there is a possibility of a better world. According to my edition of the book, this novella was written between November 1943 and February 1944. The siege of Leningrad, which is depicted in the novel, only ends at the end of January 1944, just a few weeks before Orwell completed his principal draft of the novella.Also, the novella was first published in England in August 1945, just a few months after the end of World War II. The final chapter, however, begins with the sentence: â€Å"Years passed†, and tells the history of Animal Farm in the years after the battle with Frederick. What is interesting is that the first nine chapters of the novella is a fable of the history of the Soviet Union up to the end of World War II. But because the novella was published in 1945, this final chapter is Orwell’s speculation of the future direction of the Soviet Union.In it, he draws an Animal Farm that becomes increasingly like it was before the expulsion of Jones, except even more brutal. The relationships between the pigs and the other farmers become gradually more closer, and ultimately the name of Animal Farm returns to the name Manor Farm. Clearly, the history of the Soviet Union in the cold war period is vastly different of that depicted by Orwell in the final chapter of the book; the reality of post World War II era is that the Soviet Union did not go back to being named Russia and did not denounce Marxism.Personally, I think that while accurately predicting a ruling class that would become more and more aristocratic and less and less concerned for the welfare of its citizens, Orwell also tries to depict a Soviet ruling class that isn’t the worst ruling class, but how is it as bad as those in other countries. This becomes clear in that final scene where the pigs and the farmers start toasting each other and the farmers praise the pigs successes. The final line of the book reads, â€Å"The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again: but already it was impossible to say which was which. â€Å"
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Apple Inc - 3505 Words
Question 1: Which of Porter’s four competitive strategies does Apple engage in? Explain. Scope | Broad | Cost Leadership | Differentiation | | Narrow | Cost Focus | Differentiation Focus | | | Cost | Differentiation | | | Source of Competitive Advantage | Figure 1.0: Porter’s four competitive strategies Porter’s four competitive strategies does Apple engage in are cost-leadership strategy, differentiation strategy, cost-focus strategy and focused- differentiation strategy. Explanation is as below. 1. Cost-leadership Strategy Apple used to identify customers’ specific needs and designed to meet their needs. The cost strategy here can be clearly shown when Apple design iMac computer and iBook†¦show more content†¦People like to feel that they are unique individuals with their own needs and desires. One of the best strategies for dealing with competitors is to offer customers exactly what they want, when they want it, and how they want it. The Internet provides a new outlet for mass customization by allowing customers to order one-of-a-kind products. For example, Apple uses product differentiation to help market its iPod and online music system to a broad swath of the population and create barriers that its competitors are having difficulty overcoming. 3. Cost-focus strategy This strategy is crafted to give customers by incorporating good-to-excellent product attributes. A typical example is the incorporation of iPod digital music player, iTune website for the sale and download of music in the computers provided users of Apple Computers Value for money. 4. Focused- differentiation strategy Apple has differentiated it products focusing on the professionals and producing computers tailored to meet exact needs professionals. Computers designed for professionals have complex functions that meet their todays requirements. Focus strategy based on cost. This strategy is concentrating on narrow market segment by providing low cost products to the segment. Apple has achieved this through the production of iBook computers to serve the customer section. If an organization is in a fiercely competitive market, it can choose to focus on a very narrow segment ofShow MoreRelatedApple Inc3605 Words  | 15 Pages| Apple Apple Inc. is one of the most successful companies in the United States and in the world. Apple Inc. is a multinational company that specializes in the manufacturing of electronic equipment like smartphones, software and computers. The company is well known to everyone for products like iPhone, Macintosh, iPad and iPod. Apple came into existence as the joint effort of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Wozniak was the mind behind the technology while Jobs was mind behind the marketing strategiesRead MoreApple Inc843 Words  | 4 PagesApple Inc. ( formerly Apple Computer, Inc.) is an American multinational corporation that designs and sells consumer electronics, computer software, and personal computers. Apple was established on April 1, 1976 by( Steve Jobs .( Steve Wozniak .( Ronald Wayne. Former : Steve Jobs. (Chairman, 1976-1985, 2011; CEO, 1997–2011)( Current :Tim Cook. As of July 2011, Apple has 364 retail stores in thirteen countries as well as the online Apple Store and iTunes Store . It is the largest publicly-tradedRead MoreApple Inc.2382 Words  | 10 PagesApple: An Introduction Apple Incorporation is one of the largest organizations dealing into Information Technology. Apple has a host of products ranging from Laptops, Desktops, Mobile Phones and Multimedia Devices. The company has been extremely innovative in the field of multimedia and it owes it success to one of the greatest innovators, Steve Jobs. The company has always believed in innovation and that is the major reason why it has been so successful in the mobile phone segment. In recent yearsRead MoreApple Inc6074 Words  | 25 PagesRESEARCH, GURGAON STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT PROJECT REPORT STRATEGY MANAGEMENT AT APPLE, INC. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PRESENTED BY: Group 11 Kapil Bhati (19) Kumar Rathnam (21) N Praveen Kumar (29) Nikhil Yadav (30) Sharath Babu (46) Date: April 3, 2012 Contents 1. 2. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 3 APPLE: BRIEF HISTORY .......................................................................Read MoreApple Inc1948 Words  | 8 PagesGroup Assignment APPLE COMPUTER Strategic Management (MRC2213) Prepared by Norhayati Sulaiman (MR111202) Ahmad Akmal Mohd Idris (MR121007) Nor Fadillah Md Ali (MR 11150) For Dato’ Dr. Mohd Padzil Bin Hashim International Business School UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia Introduction Apple Computer Inc was established by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs in April 1976. It all started after Wozniak made a box called Apple 1 computer, it has no keyboard and no power supply but it wasRead MoreThe Challenge For Apple Inc918 Words  | 4 PagesTim Cook took over CEO for Apple in 2011, and then Jobs passing away soon after, people wondered if Cook would live off Job’s legacy or if he would continue Apple in being the big innovative technology giant and move past the iPad and iPhone it had become so popular from. Cook has since produced the Apple Pay and Apple Watch products although the company still relies heavily on the iPhone as the main revenue maker at 69% (Yoffie Baldwin, 2015). This case study is going to discuss the case factsRead MoreApple Computer, Inc.1447 Words  | 6 PagesApple Computer, Inc., is an American multinational corporation. The company originally founded on April 1, 1976, is located in Cupertino, California. Apple is renowned for the ir designs, having developed their own computer software and personal computers that have revolutionized the world of electronics. Apple was the first company to introduce the 8-bit fully functional home computer called, Apple II, in 1977. The Apple II eventually became the first successful commercially produced microcomputersRead MoreIntroduction Of Apple Inc. Essay1051 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction (KS) Apple Incorporated is a multination technology company that designs, manufactures, and markets, mobile devices used for communication and multimedia purposes. The company also offers various software, services, applications, and accessories to accompany its’ devices. Based in Cupertino, California, the company was founded on April 1, 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne. The original goal of the company was to create and sell personal computers. The companyRead MoreApple Inc. in 2010762 Words  | 4 PagesKey Success Factors There are several key success factors for Apple, Inc. that have made it successful in the markets that it competes in. First, the company is constantly coming up with new and creative innovations. In the personal computer industry, it created MacBooks in 2009. In the personal media player industry Apple created the iPod. This followed with the creation of the itunes store, which catapulted iPod sales. This was due to the fact that consumers could download and storeRead MoreThe Apple Inc. Company1325 Words  | 6 PagesResearch The Apple Inc. is a multinational corporation that creates electronics, personal computers, computer software, and commercial servers, and is a distributor of media content. The company also sells and delivers digital content through iTunes and the App store.The founders of Apple are Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne. Apple was founded April 1st, 1976, and incorporated January 3rd, 1977 in Cupertino, California. To learn about the history of Apple, it was important for me to
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